Massimo Moscati, Autore a Home Appliances World Wed, 13 Dec 2023 14:52:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Massimo Moscati, Autore a Home Appliances World 32 32 IFA 2017: a partner at the service of consumer electronics Thu, 27 Apr 2017 09:56:18 +0000
During the presentation of IFA 2017 held yesterday in Lisbon, the management underlined what the role of the Berlin trade fair should be: to accelerate growth and innovation in consumer electronics. And to facilitate this strategy, this year IFA will expand the space dedicated to all brands and has created, with IFA NEXT, a space […]

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Christian Göke, CEO of Messe Berlin

During the presentation of IFA 2017 held yesterday in Lisbon, the management underlined what the role of the Berlin trade fair should be: to accelerate growth and innovation in consumer electronics. And to facilitate this strategy, this year IFA will expand the space dedicated to all brands and has created, with IFA NEXT, a space for the innovative startups. In addition, a specific site has been structured for component manufacturers within IFA Global Markets. Considering also that the markets and the technologies of household appliances and consumer electronics are increasingly converging and interconnected, with this edition IFA celebrates the 10th edition of Home Appliances @ IFA. «Our fair continues to be the leading platform for both the market segments: no one else can meet all the needs of industry, retailers, consumers and media representatives. The constant success of the event is reflected in a steady increasing volume of orders – more than 4.7 billion dollar during IFA 2016» – said Hans-Joachim Kamp, chairman of the supervisory board of gfu.

Jürgen Boyny, global director of consumer electronics GfK, continued: «Turnover in the digital market remains high (nearly 950 billion dollar in the total annual sales) and we expect a constant feedback both in 2017 and 2018. At home as in the street, smartphone is shaping the progress of the market by linking all areas of everyday life, from TV in the living room to the washing machine, up to the coffee makers.»
Even stronger was the speech of Christian Göke, CEO of Messe Berlin: «We think it’s time to redefine the boundaries between consumer electronics and household appliances because digital and physical worlds seem to be out of focus. Whether you are in the kitchen, in the living room or in the office, the use of devices grows exponentially. And I mean talking about entertainment, healthcare, gaming, wellness, mobility, the Internet of Things, Smart Home, up to the virtual reality and drones. Today, consumer electronics connects and creates everything. Coming to IFA you will see how we live and work on the future.»

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Home Appliances World Christian Göke, CEO of Messe Berlin
LOOK TO THE FUTURE WITH OPTIMISM Tue, 22 Sep 2015 09:34:44 +0000
As he explains in this issue Oscar Farinetti (founder of Unieuro and Eataly), there is no secret recipe to become a successful entrepreneur, though there are people saying that the characteristics of those who succeeded in it are almost always the same: lightness, speed, determination, propensity to doubt and loyalty. Farinetti believes the household appliance […]

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courtesy MGMAs he explains in this issue Oscar Farinetti (founder of Unieuro and Eataly), there is no secret recipe to become a successful entrepreneur, though there are people saying that the characteristics of those who succeeded in it are almost always the same: lightness, speed, determination, propensity to doubt and loyalty.
Farinetti believes the household appliance market must learn the product-telling. Telling what is that you are going to buy, how it was created and by whom, making customers more aware and more careful in buying Italian products. Speaking of the crisis household appliances Farinetti argues that we continued to develop design very much but in the home appliance products this is not enough.  We must constantly think about the large economies of scale and labor costs, by updating all the time, and this has been lacking in Italy. Our superiority in taste and innovation has not been enough in that area.
No long-term vision. On the contrary: no vision at all. The consequences are serious, especially for companies, such as those of White Goods sector, working in the central part of the value chain, with standardized productions subject to competition by Eastern countries. To start again it is necessary to go back upstream, dealing with design and development. In one word, with innovation. White Goods sector has the problem of being a relatively standardized and little innovative manufacturing, in which competitors from Eastern countries manage to be more competitive in terms of costs.
And so they crush us.
In the area of the home appliances itself there are other products that, instead, have a stronger part upstream and that, focusing more on the engineering, resist better. It is not a sector problem, it is a problem of placement in the value chain.
However it is necessary to look to the future with optimism, but not only. The “Italian way” must be very simple from a political point of view and very complex from a technical point of view. Industrial policy must start from a clear and long-term message by the Government, which until now has been lacking. Instead, for the technical side, there is no magic wand, or a single instrument that solves everything. We are speaking of a “symphony” of interventions that can also be different in costs, some mainly regulators and other of incentive.  A recipe is that interventions need to strengthen the enterprise capital and size; a continuous innovation of product, process and organization; measures to improve the skills of workers and measures to encourage the expansion to new growing markets.

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Home Appliances World
EXPO IS A SUCCESS Mon, 22 Jun 2015 06:54:48 +0000
Symbola foundation, Fondazione Edison and Unioncamere, in collaboration with FederlegnoArredo, have realized the truth 10 focus on competitiveness Italian that, as created to promote the Italian industry of Wood Furniture (one of the leading sectors of the economy and of national exports) , actually it gives a glimpse of Italian precise (often denigrated). As the […]

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alberoSymbola foundation, Fondazione Edison and Unioncamere, in collaboration with FederlegnoArredo, have realized the truth 10 focus on competitiveness Italian that, as created to promote the Italian industry of Wood Furniture (one of the leading sectors of the economy and of national exports) , actually it gives a glimpse of Italian precise (often denigrated).
As the country is going through a long period of difficulty, perhaps the most difficult in its history, remains among the five countries in the world to have a trade surplus with foreign manufacturing more than 100 billion dollars (131 to be exact billion euro in 2013). Italy, from 2008 to 2013, has increased the turnover of export manufacturing by 16.5%, surpassing Germany (+ 11.6%) and France (+ 5.9%): our Italian production system is driving “conversion green” European employment (the Eurobarometer estimates that by the end of 2014 51% of Italian SMEs will have at least a green job, greatly shortening the gap with Germany and France taken together).
This interesting economic study revealed some surprising elements: the share of world exports of manufactured goods Italian is equal to 72.6% of its holding in 1999. If Germany recorded 93.9%, the other behind it: the US ( 70.2%), France (59.8%), Japan (57.3%) and the UK (53.4%).
In environmental subject our production model places us among the top countries of the European Union eco-efficient in terms of CO2 (ahead of Germany and the United Kingdom) and waste (in front of Germany, UK and France). Not to forget that we are European champions industrial recycling, again ahead of Germany. Finally, the icing on the cake, our production system driving the “green conversion” European employment.
Our nemesis is the GDP, since the crisis the domestic Italian manufacturing turnover fell by 15.9%; in contrast, foreign sales Italian manufacturing grew by 16.5%, much better than the German (+ 11.6%) and France (+ 5.9%).
Then there is the “industry of culture”, involving 443,458 companies (7.3% of the national total): some 80 billion euros, 5.7% of the wealth produced. Also according to this interesting study, “the chain of culture” goes to 214 billion (15.3% of national value added) if we look at that portion of the national economy growing 1.7 Euro for each Euro produced by culture.
Now, starting from this scenario, perhaps the time has come for us to leave by pessimism (although very “rows” against …) and undoubtedly face this semester EXPO with the best optimistic approach of new opportunities for our country … Because it is already a success!

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Home Appliances World
INTERVIEW Michele Caniato and Culture + Commerce Wed, 03 Jun 2015 14:31:24 +0000
What exactly does Culture + Commerce™ business consist of? Which are the interlocutors it is addressed to? Culture + Commerce assists clients with developing a design road map, identifying the objectives of their project, and linking them with the appropriate creative talent to bring it to life. We work under the mission that “good design is good business”. We represent some of the most talented […]

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Michele CaniatoWhat exactly does Culture + Commerce™ business consist of? Which are the interlocutors it is addressed to?
Culture + Commerce assists clients with developing a design road map, identifying the objectives of their project, and linking them with the appropriate creative talent to bring it to life. We work under the mission that “good design is good business”. We represent some of the most talented designers in the business, such as Philippe Strack, Paola Navone, Marcel Wanders and Piero Lissoni, to mention just a few. We work with them on business development, project management and an assortment of other services, acting as their agent in the US market. We are essentially “matchmakers”; we  are looking to develop long term collaborations with a great return from a financial and marketing point of view. We also very proudly represent the Salone del Mobile and Federlegno Arredo Eventi for the past 15 years. We support them from a PR and marketing standpoint in the North American market.

In what way Culture + Commerce™ website and activities aim to spread Made in Italy?
The majority of our clients are Italian! For example, we support Italian companies in the USA to connect with the hospitality and residential design industry to specify their products for the next hotel brand or the next restaurant chain. The Made in Italy movement still carries the precision and reliability of the Italian design tradition, and, more importantly, the quality and value of Italian design.
One of our missions in representing Il Salone del Mobile is to promote the most important furniture fair in the world to the US architects, designers and interior designers. The Salone is THE place to be in order to see the most innovative products on the market. As the world is becoming more and more “flat”, Italy is still the leader in the furnishings industry.

Which are the kitchen manufacturers involved and theirmajor projects carried out and results obtained? 
The Kitchen sector is one of the most associated with the Made in Italy movement. The most relevant residential buildings contain Italian kitchens from BOFFI, Snaidero, Scavolini, DADA and Varenna, which are the key Italian players. All of these companies are growing their presence in a market which is always expanding and changing, and seeking to diversify themselves thanks to the quality provided and delivered by our Italian manufacturers. Culture + Commerce is currently working with a leading Italian kitchen maker to create new products. The collaboration will be announced in 2016!

L'articolo INTERVIEW Michele Caniato and Culture + Commerce sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
How to be prepared for the professional changes of 3D printing Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:40:27 +0000
The revolution of 3D printing is now in action in many sectors: to be professionally prepared to this change is a challenge and a growth opportunity for all. 3D printing Creative provides a unique library of free professional guides that want to provide a first basic guidance on 3D printing as well as a number […]

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3dThe revolution of 3D printing is now in action in many sectors: to be professionally prepared to this change is a challenge and a growth opportunity for all. 3D printing Creative provides a unique library of free professional guides that want to provide a first basic guidance on 3D printing as well as a number of benefits associated with the participation in events, courses and the purchase of publishing products specialized on 3D printing.
To give a concrete and immediate answer to the need of knowledge and guidance on 3D printing in the various professional fields, a library of free professional guides has been created, devoted to the main professional themes.
Each guide is dedicated to one sector and provides information on how 3D printing is changing the professional rules. It allows to focus on the issues that are and will be increasingly important for the job. It’s possible to download and read these guides directly from this page

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Home Appliances World
2 EUROPEAN TCG RETAIL SUMMIT April 22-23, 2015 Mirasierra Suites, Madrid Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:12:29 +0000
The European TCG Retail Summit is the only pan-European event that brings together thought leaders, decision makers and opinion leaders from TCG retail from all over Europe – on both national and international level – to debate, discuss and analyze the implications of the latest developments in TCG retailing (Consumer Electronics, Domestic Appliances, Information Technology, […]

L'articolo 2 EUROPEAN TCG RETAIL SUMMIT April 22-23, 2015 Mirasierra Suites, Madrid sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


The European TCG Retail Summit is the only pan-European event that brings together thought leaders, decision makers and opinion leaders from TCG retail from all over Europe – on both national and international level – to debate, discuss and analyze the implications of the latest developments in TCG retailing (Consumer Electronics, Domestic Appliances, Information Technology, Telecommunication).
This is the opportunity of the year to delve into the heart of TCG retailing, take a step back to see things in a new light and build a new cross-border network at senior level.
EuTCGRS_4c_2_posThe only time during the year when CEO´s, Managing Directors, Senior Buyers, Sales Directors, Marketing Directors, E-commerce Directors and other senior managers, both national and international, will meet outside the usual exhibition dates.
April 22 – 23, 2015 in Madrid at the exclusive “Mirasierra Suites”, which until recently was the accommodation of Real Madrid football team before each home game.
The “European TCG Retail Summit” is much more than simply a series of presentations. The focus is on interaction. The presentations will be actively analyzed by domain experts: the guest speakers will face the antithesis of international top-management in direct discussion or panel format. The public can also actively participate directly in this discussion using newest media technology. The audience and speakers will participate equally in the content of this conference.
The “European TCG Retail Summit” is the prime network platform in Europe for senior managers from the TCG industry in which you can expand your national and international network in a relaxed atmosphere.
ae-apparecchielettrodomestici is the only mediumItalian partner of the event. We will talk about that.

L'articolo 2 EUROPEAN TCG RETAIL SUMMIT April 22-23, 2015 Mirasierra Suites, Madrid sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
HOW to USE and READ Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:10:38 +0000
HOW to USE and READ Read more… Click your mouse on the right arrow to turn on pages or on the left arrow to get back to the previous ones. For an easier reading and navigation, you can zoom into the article and into pictures.   Click on this button to send the e-mail.   […]

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Home Appliances World electrolux-wheel Its name is Wheel and it is a washing machine and a treadmill at the same time, that uses human kinetic power to run. This innovative concept has been presented at the Electrolux Design Lab 2014 by the Korean designer Si Hyeong Ryu: this year the competition focuses on the theme "Creating Healthy Homes". The power generated from the spinning can be used to wash clothes and the unused power can be saved to be used as electricity in the future. The washing balls inside the product shorten the washing time, reducing the quantity of needed water. Besides, Wheel has a flexible display and a solar panel that substitutes the man power when it is not available.]]>
TCG EUROPEAN RETAIL SUMMIT See you in Madrid on 22 and 23 April 2015 Mon, 13 Oct 2014 08:10:05 +0000
The European TCG Retail Summit is the only pan-European event that brings together key decision makers and opinion leaders of the retail Technical Consumer Goods (TCG) from all over Europe to debate, discuss and analyze the implications of the latest developments in the industry (which includes consumer electronics, photography, appliances, computers, telephones). It’s time to […]

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MADRIDThe European TCG Retail Summit is the only pan-European event that brings together key decision makers and opinion leaders of the retail Technical Consumer Goods (TCG) from all over Europe to debate, discuss and analyze the implications of the latest developments in the industry (which includes consumer electronics, photography, appliances, computers, telephones).
It’s time to explore the main themes of retail TGD, to take a step back and see things in a new light to build a new global network to the top.
The only time during the year where CEOs, General Managers, Senior Buyers, Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Directors E-commerce and other Senior Manager (domestic and international) will meet outside of the usual events.
After Berlin, this year will meet on 22-23 April 2015 in Madrid in the exclusive “Mirasierra Suites” (the location where allogia the football club Real Madrid before every home game).
ae-apparecchielettrodomestici is the only italian media-partner.

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Benjamin Pritzkuleit
GfK confirms the Spanish recovery Wed, 17 Sep 2014 12:01:56 +0000
A study released by the research agency GfK has highlighted the recovery elements by now evident in the sectors of household appliances and consumer electronics in Spain. In the second 2014 quarter, in fact, they sold in the Country big white goods for a value of 480 million Euros and small appliances for an amount of […]

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foto_4-bsh-la-cartujaA study released by the research agency GfK has highlighted the recovery elements by now evident in the sectors of household appliances and consumer electronics in Spain. In the second 2014 quarter, in fact, they sold in the Country big white goods for a value of 480 million Euros and small appliances for an amount of 166 million Euros, with growths on the corresponding period of 2013 respectively by 0.4% and by 3.4%. Brown goods scored instead a turnover of 357 million Euros, with the 0.2% rise still on the equivalent 2013 period. Growth rates can seem modest but they come after a downturn period that seemed unstoppable. 

L'articolo GfK confirms the Spanish recovery sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
MY HANDY KITCHEN (1950-55) Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:23:19 +0000
In this film a woman discusses and demonstrates the features of her up-to-date kitchen. From the record series NRS 18657 Films [Division of Information and Extension Services, Department of Agriculture] (SR Film 416 + 417). These films were produced for, or obtained by, the Department’s Division of Information and Extension Services and cover a wide […]

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In this film a woman discusses and demonstrates the features of her up-to-date kitchen.
From the record series NRS 18657 Films [Division of Information and Extension Services, Department of Agriculture] (SR Film 416 + 417). These films were produced for, or obtained by, the Department’s Division of Information and Extension Services and cover a wide range of FotoVIDEO_0topics of interest to primary producers.

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Home Appliances World