Once again Arçelik got the highest score in the DJSI


Arçelik obtained, for the fifth consecutive year, the highest score in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI), in the sector of household durable goods companies, with the result of 86/100 in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment.  This is the main global reference point on the sustainability front: based on the results obtained, companies are selected to appear in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, which evaluates and rewards best performing companies in terms of sustainable attitude, based on economic, environmental and social criteria.

«In a difficult year like 2023 – commented Hakan Bulgurlu, CEO of Arçelik – our intent was to remain faithful to our vision of sustainability, despite the headwinds. Our dedication to building a more aware and responsible world is the underlying theme of all our activities. This prestigious recognition is a new confirmation of our leadership in sustainability and rewards our commitment».

Looking at the future Bulgurlu also added: «We continuously innovate, experimenting with environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products that have a substantial impact on reducing carbon emissions around the world. Not only that: we are committed to creating a sustainable and responsible supply chain. Let’s keep going, I’m confident we will reach new heights on our journey towards a net-zero future».