ARAN among the companies with the most significant increases in ESG rating

Erika Rastelli_Chief People Officer of ARAN World

For the third consecutive year ARAN World has been recognized among the top 100 companies that have achieved the most significant increases in ESG rating (Top 100 Performances) at the Sustainability Award, the recognition created by Kon Group, promoted by ELITE and with the support of the main partner Azimut Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Umbria.

«Being included in the Top 100 Performance list for three years in a row is another important step forward in a broader commitment – says Erika Rastelli, chief people officer ARAN World –. It is a privilege to be able to count on our family business to continue to promote the development of the Italian business world and the territory. We want to continue to be more and more attentive to social and environmental issues in order to constantly improve corporate governance».

As the company explains, innovation and renewal continue to be the pillars of ARAN World’s operations, validated by a meticulous analysis resulting from objectively measurable coefficients that are also contained in the acronym ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance. In these three spheres, ARAN World applies itself, year after year, to develop innovative eco-design solutions based on an idea of circular economy.