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Not only an Italian product but the essence of Italian culture and its excellence in the kitchen is what Bompani wants to transmit to buyers and consumers By Stefano Troilo Since 1954, Bompani is present in the lives of families with solutions that meet every king of need.  Today, its brand expresses a made- in-Italy […]

L'articolo BOMPANI Giving back value to small daily actions sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


Not only an Italian product but the essence of Italian culture and its excellence in the kitchen is what Bompani wants to transmit to buyers and consumers

ambiente CREMA (640x475)

By Stefano Troilo

Since 1954, Bompani is present in the lives of families with solutions that meet every king of need.  Today, its brand expresses a made- in-Italy that goes beyond the technical and aesthetic aspects. Its household appliances, manufactured in Italian factories, are permeated by a common vision, in order to recover the “truth”.
«‘Live, cook and buy Italian’ is our slogan, because Bompani exports all over the world not only a product, but also the way of living it. It is a cultural operation, intended to feed our business for a long time», Enrico Vento, the managing director, explains.

Enrico Vento, managing director of Bompani
Enrico Vento, managing director of Bompani

If the ability to listen to the market is important, how is it possible to read the new trends among the lines of the current demand?
This is precisely the essence of being an entrepreneur, who is an artist that assimilates culture, technique and feelings from the context in which he lives, translating them into products. Behind every successful enterprise, there is always a great entrepreneur. No management can take his place.  There are some exceptions, such as Apple, where Steve Jobs, great entrepreneur, had the ability to transmit his culture within the company. Normally, this process occurs more easily in an  organization with small or medium size than in a large multinational one. As for us, we are taking this path rediscovering the kitchen, its being a center of aggregation for the family and, at the same time, a tool that allows people to live a healthier life.

What tools allow to satisfy the needs of buyers and customers?
Nowadays, buyers are focused very much on price, or commodity identifiable through standards and codes: this debases the authentic role of household appliances. Simply, we propose them solutions that make people feel good, alone or together, and meet the need to live better.

What must a product have to stand out in a global market?
In order to avoid the risk of standardization, it is necessary to support the product with a “vision” about its role in the world. The Bompani’s offer brings with itself the connotation of the Italian and Emilian culture, richest of excellence in terms of nutrition, manufacturing and design.

The concept of innovation has become almost a commonplace for every company. But what does it mean for you?
Innovation is not what, normally, they believe it is, but a process connected to everyday life. It is the evolution during the time of an idea, which fits the context in which it lives. It is constantly evolving, sometimes anticipating, sometimes following the needs of consumers. It does not take life in a laboratory, or in a center for research and development, places where it is only materialized or setup.

In which direction are you orienting the research and development activities?
Our greatest commitment is oriented to recover the “truth” of appliances, going back to their origins and the role they had in the houses. The current risk, in fact, is the ” photocopy effect “, under which products have taken an end in itself meaning, and are conveyed in force of their price. It is what is happening, unfortunately, in the big manufacturing.

How is this setting developed, in operational terms?
For a refrigerator, for example, cold is an essential element. However, by restarting from the mission of this product, which is to prevent the proliferation of bacteria that alter food, it is evident that the choice of antibacterial materials is equally decisive. And in addition, it is necessary to create different levels of temperature and humidity, because not all food is preserved in the same way. These considerations give an idea of how our research and development activities are oriented.

Is the decline in consumption, caused by the crisis, water under the bridge, or is it still conditioning the market?
We must ask ourselves what caused it, first of all. In my opinion, it was a great indigestion. Like that of a child who has eaten all the candies contained in a bag. My father told me that, when he was a child, at parties he received money to buy one biscuit. Just one. This is the direction we want to follow. Only good things and with the right quality. Crisis occurred also because we have lost the meaning of consumption, which should not be a great feast, but respond to specific needs. I hope we will not repeat the mistakes of the past again, as if nothing had happened. To buy a cheap kitchen, that will have to be replaced in a few years, makes no sense. On the contrary, it takes away value to the spent money. We should come back considering the purchase of an appliance as an important investment, which involves the whole family.

How does the balance evolve among industry, trade and consumer?
It is desirable that the industry restart to produce quality goods, expressing some contents. In this step, trade has the key role of mediator to the consumer. Internet helps consumers to be more aware, to gather information and compare it. But the consumer must develop his own awareness, he must ask himself why he is buying something.

In which way will the relationship be re-modulated between store and e-commerce?
The traditional store would be the ideal place to touch products personally and exchange opinions with a seller. However, in the stores we see heaps of products and with difficulty we get information from someone who, meanwhile, is switching from the sale of a mobile phone to that of a washing machine. At this rate, trade risks to be wiped out from e-commerce where people buy on the basis of information that has already replaced the physical contact, and on the basis of the trust in the website.

What are the aims you would like to reach, if not yet done?
Bompani has come to the current point thanks to the confidence of our customers. By focusing on their needs, we have overcome difficult moments in recent years. But conquering the trust of our interlocutors is not enough. We must keep it and feed it day by day. This is our aim.

The domestic hearth
«Refrigerator has changed our lives, allowing us to save food for a long period. With the washing tools we save a lot of time. Robots help us to cook and to take back the contact with recipes and ingredients. ambiente CUCINA (427x640)Nevertheless, in all this, kitchen keeps a central and irreplaceable role. For Bompani, kitchen must recover its social role and come back to be the domestic hearth, the center of family life. And if nowadays they tend to keep it hidden, with oven and hob separate, we continue to think of it as a single thing, well identified in the space. In the house of tomorrow, kitchen must be robust, safe, elegant. It must represent an important investment for the family and, therefore, combine well with the environment in which it is placed.»
Rediscoverig the origins
Krystal_AMBIENTE (640x328)All Bompani’s ranges aim at the recovery of the deeper meaning of the kitchen. Some product lines are essential, and are equipped with the basic features. Others have been enriched with aesthetic elements and several functionalities. In addition, the offer is articulated in two styles: retrò, for products that evoke vintage sensations, and professional, with lines that recall the steel kitchens used by chefs and professionals. On this idea, without anyway renouncing to pleasant contaminations, the other collections are also placed: refrigerators, ovens, hobs, dishwashers, washing machines, small appliances.

L'articolo BOMPANI Giving back value to small daily actions sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World Enrico Vento, managing director of Bompani
ILVE Cooking like a chef with made-in-Italy quality https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2015/12/10/ilve-cooking-like-a-chef-with-made-in-italy-quality/ Thu, 10 Dec 2015 07:02:30 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=3995
Sophisticated design, restaurant performance and a wide range of products characterized the offer of the Italian company, that exports its household appliances worldwide by Tiziana Corti Specialization, quality of each component and a great passion are at the basis of Ilve’s range of products for cooking, Italian family company, founded in 1962 in a territory […]

L'articolo ILVE Cooking like a chef with made-in-Italy quality sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


Sophisticated design, restaurant performance and a wide range of products characterized the offer of the Italian company, that exports its household appliances worldwide

3 PDW100_MW_side

by Tiziana Corti

Specialization, quality of each component and a great passion are at the basis of Ilve’s range of products for cooking, Italian family company, founded in 1962 in a territory (Veneto region) rich of tradition and culture. Focused on premium products, it provides professional solutions, exported in more than 40 countries worldwide. Thanks to its high flexibility of production processes, the society is able to meet local needs and ensure long-lasting, highly reliable products with a refined design. With an established presence in the furniture channel, the company has entered this year the home appliances specialist retail, as Alberto Illotti, the sales manager, tells in this interview also underlining the ethical and sustainable values ​​that Ilve has always been inspired by.

1 A. Illotti

Let’s give a brief profile of Ilve: when was the company founded and with what mission?
Ilve was founded in 1962 and started its activity with the production of kitchen furniture realized with enameled metal and related gas burners. Over the years it has specialized in high-end appliances for cooking, bringing domestic products with professional performance to people’s home.

How is your company organized now and in which foreign markets is it present?
We distribute our range in more than 40 countries worldwide with an export rate of over 80%. Our customers are mainly importers/wholesalers specialized in home appliances.

What are the distinctive features of Ilve’s products?
A great care for design, performance comparable to those of restaurants, wideness of products range without rivals in the world, total quality, in the classical meaning of the word. Our appliances are made with passion, using only highest quality components that guarantee a long life.

How will be articulated your 2016 catalog?
It will be a revolution. We has  organized it in order that for each product all the relevant information is easily available. It will be a real reference point for all competitors.

The kitchen environment is significantly evolving: what must not lack today in an efficient kitchen?
Cooking does not need much.  But for those who cook for passion there is no limit: steam, blast chiller and vacuum machine, low-temperature cooking. These are the techniques used by star chefs that will be the domestic trends of the near future and Ilve is ready in this regard.

Which are the Ilve’s proposals to meet the multiple needs of design, integration with interior decor and energy efficiency?
My father always told me “do something good and make it once”;  I mean: there is one only way to design in our opinion, and that is to do it immediately well.  Even for the ovens our rule is: Beautiful, Good and Fair! I translate: they must have a nice design, last for a long time and cook well respecting the environment!

And how can you meet the local needs of the different markets to which you export?
Thanks to our high flexibility in design and production, we can manufacture products with different features and propose specific solutions for each country, depending on the local culinary habits.

Technology is now present in the kitchen in several forms: which are the most advanced solutions offered by your range?
Our flagship product is a combined oven we call “Ultra-combi” that includes in the same machine the traditional cooking with hot ventilated air, microwaves and steam, both in singular and combined functions. A real gem for connoisseurs.

What trends do you observe in the consumers’ choices of cooking appliances in Italy and in the world and how do you think the kitchen environment will evolve in the coming years?
I would repeat what said above: steam, blast chiller, vacuum, low temperature cooking to cook like the star chefs.

In what channels are your products distributed?
Historically in the furniture channel, but in 2015 we have started to give attention also to the electrical retail channel with a line of dedicated products.

What role should the distributor have to promote the distinctive elements of the kitchen?
We are not interested in warehouses but to exhibition and demonstrations. We look for partners who are not collectors of orders but brand ambassadors. To sell ​​Ilve means to introduce consumers a world of solutions to which they are often not used or neither have ever thought they can exist, so it is crucial the role of “witness”.

In what could the partnership between producers and retailers improve?
I am convinced that today, in a market where multinational groups reign supreme, human relationship is still very important. There must be feeling between company and business partners, mutual respect and esteem. For a family business like Ilve the values ​​of ethical business are still fundamental.

What has been the trend for Ilve in 2015 and what will be your strategy for the next year?
We recorded a little fall during the first six months of the year but trend is rapidly improving in the second half. We feel the first warmth of spring …

The exclusive proposal by Ilve
2 PDW100_MW_oven zoomExclusive news by Ilve, PDW 100 of the Professional Plus Series is a freestandig appliance, that looks like a single block of 100 cm, which includes a 60 cm multifunction oven and a microwave oven of 40 cm with grill. A truly innovative solution that allows to take advantage from all cooking methods, from the most traditional to the most modern ones. In details, the microwave oven, made of solid and elegant stainless steel, features all the plusses of the latest generation: digital display; 1600 W grill, 1000 W microwave, 4 levels of microwave cooking (1000W, 700W, 450W, 250W) and 2 combined cookings (700W grill+microwave; 450W grill+ microwave). It is also equipped with all the precautions for safety, such as 3 glasses door with security opening system. Accessories include: a turntable ø 27 cm; 1 glass drip pan with grid; 1 support for combined cooking.

Steam, the health ally
4-645LTKST_I copia 2For those who like the savory tastes, but relies entirely on lightness, Ilve offers the built-in steam oven 645 LTK ST, a cutting-edge model with 35 liters capacity, which offers many benefits. It has a digital display, dedicated steam generator and allows users to choose among 4 levels of cooking to meet all needs. It also features defrost function, 1.2-liter tank, forced ventilation and is totally user friendly thanks to the indicator of the lack of water and notice that signals the need to perform the cleaning cycle for the limestone. It does not miss the open door security system and the children safety lock. The model includes two stainless steel drip pans.

L'articolo ILVE Cooking like a chef with made-in-Italy quality sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
ZEPA When passion meets method https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2015/12/10/zepa-when-passion-meets-method/ Thu, 10 Dec 2015 07:00:47 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=3733
By Stefano Troilo With more than 40 years of experience in the hobs sector, Zepa represents the bridgehead of Teka group in Italy. The production cycle is concentrated at Pianezze (Vicenza), in an area of about 15,000 square meters. The incoming raw material passes through various stages of processing, until it assumes the appearance of […]

L'articolo ZEPA When passion meets method sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.



By Stefano Troilo

With more than 40 years of experience in the hobs sector, Zepa represents the bridgehead of Teka group in Italy. The production cycle is concentrated at Pianezze (Vicenza), in an area of about 15,000 square meters. The incoming raw material passes through various stages of processing, until it assumes the appearance of a complete and functional hob. Fifty percent of production is destined to the head office; the second half is divided between OEM and kitchens distributors. In 2014, 200,000 hobs were manufactured, with a turnover of about 20 million euro. 95 percent of the company’s products are exported worldwide. In this interview Filippo Rossi, general manager of Zepa, tells to home appliances world which are the main characteristics of a Zepa’s appliance.


If the ability of listening to the market is important, how it is possible to “read” the new trends among the lines of the current demand?
To be part of Teka group, which has about 5,000 employees overall, with a very developed commercial area, is undoubtedly an advantage. Our colleagues, active in several local markets, give life to a global network with a high listening skill. This allows us to monitor our competitors and to catch the different trends anywhere in the world.

What tools allow you to meet the needs of buyers and customers?
Market asks faster and faster times of response and production. Therefore, we have invested in a CRM system, with which tracking the customers’ requests, as well as in a new assembly line that will further increase the performance of our production cycle.

On a global market, what characteristics allow a product to stand out?
The life cycle of products is decreasing. If in the past it was normal to realize items to be sold successfully for over ten years, nowadays it is necessary to constantly realize new ones. Thus, it is crucial the interaction between the commercial division and the technical one. Who follows the sales must be able to catch the needs of the market, transmit them in the form of specifications and requirements to those who will have to develop the product.

The concept of innovation has become almost a commonplace for every company. But what does it mean for you?
Innovation allows to catch the latent needs of the market. In some countries, for example, we found that in many houses there are two kitchens: one to show to the guests, one for actually preparing the dishes. So much can be done in terms of aesthetics and design. All the more for Zepa, that produces in Italy.

In what direction are you orienting the research and development activities?
Energy saving is becoming more and more relevant: all our products meet the most stringent regulations concerning the burners efficiency and the electrical components on stand-by. Another driver is simplification. In the vision of Zepa and Teka, cooking must be a pleasure, not a mere functional action. We are developing easier and easier to clean surfaces and “plug and play” hobs with a simplified installation. Last, but not less important, is the customization: as it happens in the automotive sector, our product platforms allow us to adapt production to the most specific needs.

Is the drop in consumption, caused by the crisis, water under the bridge, or does it still condition the market?
The drop in consumption has undoubtedly been felt all over Europe. But today we find signs of recovery from Spain, where the Teka group is headquartered. And crisis, I think, has been an opportunity to strive to be more competitive and evolve.

In your opinion: how was the balance repositioned among industry, trade and consumer?
Consumer, who has been “prey” for companies for years, is much more selective and informed. As a result, the cost he pays for purchasing a good, must be offset by the benefit that the same gives him. In this process, the role of trade is crucial. Industry could not be capillary on the territory, nor stimulate the demand in a suitable way which, however, the distribution is able to do excellently, through strategies and commercial initiatives.

In which way will the relationship be re-modulated between store and e-commerce?
Like it or not, we cannot do without e-commerce. Even in our sector, consumer look for information through the Internet about the characteristics of the product, then he goes to the store to test with his hand the actual plusses of it. I think the shop should evolve: from place where products are promoted to structure in which public receives support and help to choose.

What objectives do you prefix to reach, if not yet achieved?
Zepa has always been export-oriented. quality and design of its production is recognized all over the world, but less in Italy. I would like to transfer to our Country the passion we put in the development of hobs. Another desire of mine is to be able to transform the home appliance from a work tool to an entertainment center. Kitchen, after all, remains the “heart” of each house. I would like that, through our appliances, it became an attractive magnet for families and groups of friends who wish to spend some time together.

Flexible: because the delimitation of the spaces and rooms is less and less marked.
Integrated: because the Internet of things will increase the correlation among household appliances, information systems and users.
Predictive: analyzing the data of my day, the information system of the house will be able, for example, to ask me if I like a steak for dinner. If so, it will see to make me find it already thawed on my return. In short, a sort of butler who interprets my wishes.
Hobs with "touch control" technology - that Zepa produces for Teka group - were among the first to introduce the electronic touch control in a gas system. Acquiring, in actual fact, the same characteristics of the induction models. The timer, for example, allows to set the desired cooking time for each dish. Very useful is also the buttons safety lock, which prevents children from lighting the fire and facilitates the cleaning operations. The absence of knobs, moreover, helps to keep the hob extremely clean. In the presence of traditional knobs, it would have been impossible to have these functions. Another distinctive feature is the system of self-ignition. If the flame is extinguished for accidental reasons, the system attempts to reactivate it for three times, after which it closes the passage of gas through the burner, without however turning off the others eventually in function.Touch control
The electronic touch control does not need a mechanical connection with the burners: in the future perspective, Filippo Rossi explains, remotely controlled hobs could also be develop. In 2015, these products have been awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design with the Good Design ™ Award.

L'articolo ZEPA When passion meets method sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Enrico Celotto 2015
2 EUROPEAN TCG RETAIL SUMMIT April 22-23, 2015 Mirasierra Suites, Madrid https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2014/12/11/2-european-tcg-retail-summit-april-22-23-2015-mirasierra-suites-madrid/ Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:12:29 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=1452
The European TCG Retail Summit is the only pan-European event that brings together thought leaders, decision makers and opinion leaders from TCG retail from all over Europe – on both national and international level – to debate, discuss and analyze the implications of the latest developments in TCG retailing (Consumer Electronics, Domestic Appliances, Information Technology, […]

L'articolo 2 EUROPEAN TCG RETAIL SUMMIT April 22-23, 2015 Mirasierra Suites, Madrid sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


The European TCG Retail Summit is the only pan-European event that brings together thought leaders, decision makers and opinion leaders from TCG retail from all over Europe – on both national and international level – to debate, discuss and analyze the implications of the latest developments in TCG retailing (Consumer Electronics, Domestic Appliances, Information Technology, Telecommunication).
This is the opportunity of the year to delve into the heart of TCG retailing, take a step back to see things in a new light and build a new cross-border network at senior level.
EuTCGRS_4c_2_posThe only time during the year when CEO´s, Managing Directors, Senior Buyers, Sales Directors, Marketing Directors, E-commerce Directors and other senior managers, both national and international, will meet outside the usual exhibition dates.
April 22 – 23, 2015 in Madrid at the exclusive “Mirasierra Suites”, which until recently was the accommodation of Real Madrid football team before each home game.
The “European TCG Retail Summit” is much more than simply a series of presentations. The focus is on interaction. The presentations will be actively analyzed by domain experts: the guest speakers will face the antithesis of international top-management in direct discussion or panel format. The public can also actively participate directly in this discussion using newest media technology. The audience and speakers will participate equally in the content of this conference.
The “European TCG Retail Summit” is the prime network platform in Europe for senior managers from the TCG industry in which you can expand your national and international network in a relaxed atmosphere.
ae-apparecchielettrodomestici is the only mediumItalian partner of the event. We will talk about that.

L'articolo 2 EUROPEAN TCG RETAIL SUMMIT April 22-23, 2015 Mirasierra Suites, Madrid sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
MY HANDY KITCHEN (1950-55) https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2014/07/23/my-handy-kitchen-1950-55/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:23:19 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=681
In this film a woman discusses and demonstrates the features of her up-to-date kitchen. From the record series NRS 18657 Films [Division of Information and Extension Services, Department of Agriculture] (SR Film 416 + 417). These films were produced for, or obtained by, the Department’s Division of Information and Extension Services and cover a wide […]

L'articolo MY HANDY KITCHEN (1950-55) sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


In this film a woman discusses and demonstrates the features of her up-to-date kitchen.
From the record series NRS 18657 Films [Division of Information and Extension Services, Department of Agriculture] (SR Film 416 + 417). These films were produced for, or obtained by, the Department’s Division of Information and Extension Services and cover a wide range of FotoVIDEO_0topics of interest to primary producers.

L'articolo MY HANDY KITCHEN (1950-55) sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
APPLIANCES AND… THE FACTORY OF WIVES https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2014/07/23/appliances-and-the-factory-of-wives/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:15:37 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=675
It is undeniable that appliances and stereotype women have often traveled together, with the continuous risk of consumerism around the corner. As well as images of a perfect home run by a perfect wife… are a bit collective memory of countless commercials. The little-known titles of the film The Stepford Wives (soft version of a […]

L'articolo APPLIANCES AND… THE FACTORY OF WIVES sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


It is undeniable that appliances and stereotype women have often traveled together, with the continuous risk of consumerism around the corner. As well as images of a perfect home run by a perfect wife… are a bit collective memory of countless commercials. The little-known titles of the film The Stepford Wives (soft version of a thriller already brought to the screen by Ira Levin, author of Rosemary’s Baby) are an effective FotoVIDEO_Stepford-Wives-(2004)-thumb-560xauto-26296representation. The story suggests that, in an exclusive village of wealthy Americans, has found a way to replace their wives – is not always appropriate and submissive with their husbands – with robots superlatives…

L'articolo APPLIANCES AND… THE FACTORY OF WIVES sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
SPOT CANDY SEPARÈ (1988) https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2014/07/23/spot-candy-separe-1988/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:06:14 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=671
1988 – A small masterpiece of animation for a fun and successful commercial spot of the historic Casa Italian: Candy, Company certified CARBON FOOTPRINT, an international certification and independent measure of the energetic. Certication assigned to Candy for reduced CO2 emissions of its products and production facilities, and the continued commitment of the Group to […]

L'articolo SPOT CANDY SEPARÈ (1988) sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


1988 – A small masterpiece of animation for a fun and successful commercial spot of the historic Casa Italian: Candy, Company certified CARBON FOOTPRINT, an international certification and independent measure of the energetic. Certication assigned to Candy for reduced CO2 emissions of its products and production facilities, and the continued commitment of the Group to reduce environmental impact.
FotoVIDEO_hqdefaultJustifiable pride Italian …

L'articolo SPOT CANDY SEPARÈ (1988) sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
VACUUM CLEANER COMMERCIAL (1950) https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2014/07/23/vacuum-cleaner-commercial-1950/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:33:55 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=667
http://youtu.be/8-x3jtEeiLA 1950s public domain television commercial for the Singer line of vacuum cleaners (Captain Bijou’s website).

L'articolo VACUUM CLEANER COMMERCIAL (1950) sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.



FotoVIDEO_5401703404_6843930a1d_m1950s public domain television commercial for the Singer line of vacuum cleaners (Captain Bijou’s website).

L'articolo VACUUM CLEANER COMMERCIAL (1950) sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
THE BRAVE LITTLE TOASTER: AIR CONDITIONING SCENE https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2014/07/23/the-brave-little-toaster-air-conditioning-scene/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:25:39 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=664
The Disney’s The Brave Little Toaster was released in 1987 and it hasn’t aged one bit. It’s still a great classic that should be shown to every generation to come.

L'articolo THE BRAVE LITTLE TOASTER: AIR CONDITIONING SCENE sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


The Disney’s The Brave Little Toaster was released in 1987 and it hasn’t aged one bit. It’s still a great classic that should be shown to every FotoVIDEO_hqdefaultgeneration to come.

L'articolo THE BRAVE LITTLE TOASTER: AIR CONDITIONING SCENE sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
CADWALLER PARSONS & HIS AMAZING SMALL APPLIANCES https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2014/07/23/cadwaller-parsons-his-amazing-small-appliances/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:17:12 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=659
Some innocent laugh at the expense of small appliances.

L'articolo CADWALLER PARSONS & HIS AMAZING SMALL APPLIANCES sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


fotoVIDEO_d025333175c7c57afc042f25cc748d39Some innocent laugh at the expense of small appliances.

L'articolo CADWALLER PARSONS & HIS AMAZING SMALL APPLIANCES sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World