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“Nothing will be like before anymore” is a leitmotiv we got used to. The pandemic has severely impacted lives of people and businesses, now engaged in creating a new normal. Some brands of the household appliances sector tell us how they are living this phase by Elena Corti After the acute phase of the emergency […]

L'articolo Building the new normal sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


“Nothing will be like before anymore” is a leitmotiv we got used to. The pandemic has severely impacted lives of people and businesses, now engaged in creating a new normal. Some brands of the household appliances sector tell us how they are living this phase

by Elena Corti

After the acute phase of the emergency and the related restrictions, also the home appliance world looks ahead and begins to build a new normality in a context characterized by strong uncertainty. The completely out of the ordinary situation, that companies have had to face, brought the attention on the possible tools that can be adopted to manage such exceptional circumstances, starting from digital technologies to support remote work, avoiding unnecessary movements thanks to the use of videoconferencing and maintaining contact with suppliers and customers. To understand in detail how home appliance companies are moving, we have carried out a survey to which some brands in the sector took part telling us about their strategies and the products they intend to focus on to turn the page and continue to grow.

The flagship products for the recovery
In recent months there has been several discussions on how the pandemic and the consequent lockdown period have changed consumer habits, leading to new trends. How did this impact on the appliance sector? Certainly, there has been an increase in interest in devices dedicated to air treatment and sanitization, whose value is now more than ever appreciated. In fact, hoods and purifiers allow to restore indoor air quality, guaranteeing constant cleaning of the rooms from polluting agents. The need for healthy air is combined with the desire for psychophysical well-being. In addition, to meet the needs of consumers, these products combine advanced purification technologies, aesthetic refinement and, in some cases, also connectivity, a feature that is predictably increasingly appreciated given that the Covid-19 emergency has led to greater familiarity with digital technologies.
If appliances for the health of environments are certainly among the growing products, kitchen appliances are also in the spotlight. The obligation to stay at home has prompted many people to rediscover the pleasure of cooking and this makes hobs, ovens and cookers products to which is increasingly focused the attention of consumers who are looking for performant appliances (but simple to use) in order to be able to experience cooking at home.
What we asked to companies

1 What are the key points on which you intend to focus your business strategies in order to reach a new normality after the Coronavirus emergency? Will something change compared to the past in your way of working?

2 What are your goals in the near future?

3 How is export going? Have you experienced significant drops due to the lockdown?


«We intend to focus on the production of environments purification and sanitization systems with one of the latest technologies available that reduces the viral and bacterial loads suspended in the air: cold plasma technology. These systems will be available for purchase in various configurations: from small sizes for elevators or wardrobes to larger models for living, school or work spaces. The production will provide both single products and components integrated in our kitchen hoods that are effective against viruses, bacteria, spores, fungi, molds and bad smells.»
Evelyn Passanante, Retail Manager for Italy at Baraldi

1 The challenge taken after the reopening was to rapidly change the consolidated production of kitchen hoods and induction hobs towards air sanitisers dedicated to the home and work environment. It is a project called AirO’ which has been in development for many years and which had a very strong push in the Phase 2 period of the epidemic.

With AirO’ Desk by Baraldi it is possible to have cleaner air in closed rooms up to 20 m2, without installation and maintenance difficulties. Cold plasma technology eliminates pathogens present in the air, including various types of viruses and bacteria: a healthier and odor-free environment is thus obtained

2 The goal we are setting is to carefully follow the demand for a cleaner environment, intended not only as nature in a generic sense, but precisely as a place where a person lives and works. The epidemic pushed towards an even higher level of need for cleaning and sanitation. We had to activate a new production line that manufactures sanitizers of different sizes, based on cold plasma technology for domestic environments, shops, offices, elevators, etc.

Baraldi AirO’ range also includes the AirO’ Ceiling model (in the picture), ideal for bathrooms, laundries and cellars, that can be connected with a wall switch. Another model in the series is AirO’ Plus, designed for large closed spaces. Both products are equipped with plasma technology



3 Lockdown caused a drastic drop in orders and deliveries abroad but from the restart it seems that the offer of products related to the needs of healthier and safer environments is leading us towards a saturation of the production capacity that we hope will go on in the coming months, especially towards the end of the year. As a good omen we have renamed our factory “pure air factory”.


«In the company we have noticed that the health emergency has pushed people to use kitchen appliances more than before. During the closing period we received numerous requests. Fortunately, communication with customers and consumers has never ceased. This is the advantage of having a national manufacture: consumers know who to contact.
Bompani focuses on products that have made our history, namely the cooking appliances, from cookers to ovens and hobs. The oven has returned to being the protagonist in the kitchen: it is an appliance that was probably less used in recent times. But to make bread, cakes and pizza at home it is important to have an excellent oven.»

Enrico Vento, Managing Director of Bompani

1 The company only stopped operating as a result of government regulations, but we could have continued to operate safely and thus meet customer orders. Certainly, some of the good practices adopted in this period will be preserved both in terms of health security and the use of information technology.

The elegant aesthetic in steel with darkened glass distinguishes the Skyline BO243OP/E oven by Bompani. The appliance, in A class, allows to choose from 8 programs and is equipped with an electronic touch control programmer. In addition, the special treatment of steel in the control area avoids unsightly fingerprints


2 Our business has restarted normally. Without a doubt, the effects of the stop for the health emergency will be felt throughout the supply chain and this makes us worried and cautious. The main corporate objective remains unchanged: to continue the product repositioning strategy that is already giving excellent results. The quality of Italian “cooking” is undisputed all over the world.

Finishing in turquoise crystal and steel, cast iron grids and 105 lt multifunction oven are some of the pluses of the Bompani BO682DL/N cooker, belonging to the Tech collection. The steel worktop has a thickness of 4 cm and houses 5 burners including a triple crown. The Stop-Gas system guarantees safety




3 Export represents 90% of our sales. Fortunately, it did not drop, but it is still early to say. Our order book is in line with the budget, but we will better evaluate the situation in the coming months.





«Hood remains our core business and even this year, despite the complexities of the moment, there will be plenty of news that will confirm Faber investments in research and development. This appliance is gaining a central role in the kitchen also as a piece of furniture, as well as being fundamental for improving indoor air quality. In these two directions are positioned the products we are launching during the current year to which, at the turn of 2021, we will add new models that filter air and monitor its quality, communicating the values of the healthiness of the various environments. These latest innovations will further express our mission "Air Matters", that is, the desire to offer high-performant products for the best air quality within the walls of the house, also taking advantage of connectivity: let's not forget that the health emergency has given a strong impulse to the penetration of digital in people's daily lives. In addition, the Faber catalog will continue to expand with new proposals for induction hobs, some with integrated extraction systems, a segment in which Faber Galileo line represents true excellence.»

Riccardo Remedi, Managing Director of Faber

1 I state that the first variable that has guided and continues to guide our corporate choices is the great sense of responsibility towards the health of all our employees, both internal and external. A choice undertaken since the early stages of lockdown and which today allows us to affirm that we are able to meet the market demand by producing in total safety. This is also the first prerequisite for returning to invest in a sustainable and solid development of our company, strengthened by the usual determination and medium-long term vision that has always distinguished us: an event such as Covid-19 emergency is not only a very demanding challenge for businesses, but also an opportunity to reaffirm the importance of digitalization and a strong relationship with all our employees and partners.

The range of Faber suspended hoods is enriched with a new, more entry-level model, in which form and functionality merge. The product is designed with an essential bell-shaped line, enriched by the two panels placed side-by-side. Moreover, it is available in 4 colors (matt black, matt white, dark gray and powder blue)

2 One of our priorities is to safeguard the 2020 result, which, although compromised by the lockdown of almost two months, can still allow us to recover some of the lost ground. As always, we will work by carrying out all the strategic objectives that the company has already set, such as consolidating international development on key markets such as Italy, India and the United States (area where Faber has great growth margins) without neglecting the presence in Europe. It is a goal that we intend to achieve thanks to the support of our distributors, business partners and customers that we will continue to involve in an effective promotion of our catalogue and the many innovations that we will present in the coming months. At the same time we want to establish an increasingly direct relationship with the final consumer – in this direction we will continue to invest in the development of channels and in digital communication – and to expand brand awareness and reputation also thanks to the launch of distinctive products.

In addition to hoods, Faber focuses on the extractor hobs, of which Galileo Smart is one of the most recent models. The suction system is integrated flush and the four induction areas can be combined into two bridge zones that can be activated simultaneously. In addition, among its most advanced functions is the Double Intensive mode

3 The lockdown weeks obviously marked a strong drop in the production of the Italian factory in Sassoferrato, with consequences on the second quarter of the year which translate into lower results compared to our forecasts for the beginning of the year, but we are strongly committed to recovering this contraction in fast times. The impact of the Covid-19 emergency on sales has occurred and will probably be recorded for the entire fiscal year, but some of our production units in Turkey, Sweden and Mexico have continued to work, albeit at reduced rates, and this placed us in a condition of partial advantage.


«In this period the issue of air quality is fundamental and as far as we are concerned it represents a great opportunity to reaffirm our solutions in terms of air treatment and sanitization of environments such as E.ion® System and Bellaria, which are currently having a boom in requests.»

Lorenzo Poser, Commercial Director/Marketing Director of Falmec

1 During this strange historical period we paradoxically had the opportunity to strengthen relations, albeit at a distance, with our customers, united by a common difficulty and limitation. Thanks to modern videoconferencing tools, however, we have not lost touch and indeed we have discussed and prepared specific actions to be more active in the market. This break taught us to optimize travel and take full advantage of the technological possibilities to better manage and plan our time and activities.

At a time when air quality and health are particularly felt, Falmec focuses on hoods with E.ion® System technology which, by means of controlled bipolar ionization, eliminates bad odors up to 95% and pollutants/irritants. In the photo the Oceano model

2 Certainly the target remains growth – both in absolute and dimensional terms and in qualitative terms – in the offer of increasingly exclusive and distinctive products, to strengthen the uniqueness of the Falmec brand. We have clear ideas on what the steps are to get back to running once the situation is normalized. We remain positive and optimistic for our near future and for our sector as a whole.
3 In general, exports certainly better withstood the impact of ” Covid hurricane “, even if we nevertheless recorded a drop in sales in some markets, in particular Spain and France. However, we are now seeing very positive signs, both from domestic and foreign markets which bode well for the second half of 2020.

«In our market offer, cooking appliances (indoor and outdoor) have always been central and therefore, without taking anything away from other sectors such as refrigeration or washing, we will focus more on the development of these products with intrinsic value and unique “flavor”, able to conquer consumers not so much for the price but for what is contained in them and for the satisfaction they will give in their use, with the aim of making people touch with their hands that ‘living better is possible’.»

Paolo Mainardi, Brand Manager

1 Daily life itself teaches us to respect the new rules of behavior within the company and among collaborators, customers and suppliers. Certainly, this emergency has pushed us to a greater use of the communication technologies that have allowed both the operational continuity and to maintain strong personal relationships and among companies. It is an invaluable teaching for all company dimensions, which will certainly bring benefits also for the future.

Fulgor Milano proposes the induction hob with rear suction FCLH 9041 HID TS BK, equipped with 2 horizontal bridge areas, Booster for rapid heating, pan detection sensor and residual heat indicator. The hood has a suction capacity of 800 m³/h and the controls are touch sliders

2 In the short term, we are very committed to recovering what was lost during the forced closure period, trying, with the collaboration of customers, to catch every opportunity that occurs and that can be pursued economically and with the currently available resources. In the medium term we aim for a greater centrality of our Fulgor Milano brand in industrial and commercial choices, while in the long term we want to “build” our brand as an asset in the Made-in-Italy luxury market.
3 If, with the restart, Italy is giving signs of sometimes unexpected revival, the foreign markets are unfortunately subject – some more and some less – to problems of falling consumption dictated by the past or current Covid-19 emergency. Significant markets for our company such as North America, China, the Middle East and Russia are at the moment (when the article is written, ed.) very contracted and folded in on themselves, even if local operators are not lacking very strong doses of optimism for recover in the future. As for many sectors, also that of the household appliance saw the sell-out drop in the major markets (perhaps excluding Germany only), thus causing an increase in stocks due to the sell-in in the period prior to the lockdown: now these volumes will have to be sold on the market in a F.I.F.O. (first in-first out) dynamic causing a drop in production demand towards the industry. But in all likelihood – and in the absence of further health critical phases – in the last quarter of 2020 we will return to a normalization of the production-distribution-consumption dynamics.

«In the immediate future, Specialista by Glem Gas cooking project is having great success in our built-in range, driven even more by an invigorated demand for home cooking. As a brand, free-standing cookers are our leitmotiv and, thanks to a wide and versatile range, we record comforting sales. At the same time, we are continuing with our project to launch the new built-in and free-standing platforms in progress since the beginning of 2020. We expect a lot from both projects, strong and proud of the excellent results achieved abroad.»

Marco Guerzoni, Marketing Director of Glem Gas

1 In the organizational sphere, we have adapted to the situation, reacting to this new challenge since the beginning of March. Since then we have been working following all the indications and protocols in force to avoid any problem for staff: this is obviously the number one priority. Distancing, masks, smart working, Covid-19 operating manuals etc. they are all behaviors and safety measures adopted to better face this new reality.
On the market front, however, we confirm our ambitious strategy and plans. Brand identity is the guide to our proposals: we are Specialisti in Cottura (Specialists in Cooking) and we want to continue offering high added value appliances, which enhance the performance of all home cooks with further more enthusiasm! In this period of reduced freedom, kitchen as a place and cooking have returned strongly in the life of all of us, all over the world! We feel an active part of this new (or more established) social reality and we want to give support with our products to users who will give us this opportunity.

Specialista is a new entry by Glem Gas in the cooking sector. The free-standing cooker, with a semi-professional look, allows to achieve high cooking performances to obtain the best results. Powerful burners, large oven capacity and versatility characterize the product

2 We are totally focused on the recovery after the lockdown stop. Fortunately having the order books full, thanks to the collaboration and dedication of our staff, we were committed to processing all requests also in August. For the next future, we want to maintain our leadership positions in Italy and the Middle East where, given the latest events, we see areas of consolidation. In addition to this, we want and must grow in areas that see us as less protagonists: EU, Asia and USA in the first place.

Attention to detail is one of the aspects Glem Gas focuses on in its latest generation cookers, designed to fit harmoniously into any environment. The refined design joins the quality of the materials and the high performances to offer consumers the best user experience


3 World is reacting differently according to the areas. EU was hit hard in April by Covid-19 emergency, but is now recovering while Americas are still in the eye of the hurricane. The Middle East and Australia experienced moderate slowdowns followed by a sizable “rebound”. The outlook for the coming months is positive and, despite everything, we are optimistic. We have a few more uncertainties for 2021.




«We will continue to focus on our range while maintaining our identity and we will go on as we set before Coronavirus without changing our product strategies.»

Marco di Leo, CEO of R.G.V.

1 We will pay further more attention to changes, because we are convinced that Coronavirus has greatly accelerated what was already underway, and in particular we will focus on attention to the consumer because it is from here that we start. At this moment, however, we are equally convinced that not everything can depend on us: regardless of our strategies, it is necessary that some time passes before we can arrive at a new normal. Regarding our way of working, I don’t think that, in general, there will be big changes considering the production characteristics of our company as an Italian manufacturer. As I mentioned before, we will pay more attention to everything, therefore also to changes, if it needs.

The range of small appliances offered by R.G.V. also includes Pasta Vintage planetary mixer, available in white and black versions. The product has a stainless steel bowl with ergonomic handle and splash guard cover. In addition, it has a double hook for kneading, spatula and whisk

2 At the moment I think it is impossible to set specific objectives, also because working with foreign markets we will have to wait for “normality” to arrive in all the countries that have been affected by the Coronavirus after us. As I said before, we will pay more attention to everything in order to be ready to start again as quickly as possible.
3 Foreign markets, having been hit by Covid-19 after us, are “blocked” because they are in the same condition in which Italy found itself with the outbreak of the pandemic. Due to this situation, we have experienced sharp drops in exports.

«As far as products are concerned, our focus is on: the new ProLine range, with a “professional” look that will be highly appreciated in the domestic context; Icon, which will restyle our Best Seller in line with the market trend; the new Gas on Glass Premium, which will offer an ideal combination of square and soft lines. So, as it is clear, the positioning of all these new products will aim upwards.»

Marco Zappulla, Sales Manager of Zepa-Teka Group

1 We will continue to focus on innovation and quality, factors which have enabled us to grow and which will help us to do so also in the future. We believe that, after this period, consumers, or at least many of them, will direct their choices towards more responsible consumption: we will try to seize these opportunities by designing products that are increasingly suitable for a circular and environmentally friendly economy.
2 In terms of products, we are completing the development of new hob lines. The goal is to expand our offer in new market segments. We are aiming upwards in the gas sector, to which we have always paid the utmost attention, but we are also expanding in the mixed/electric segment that had not yet seen us perform according to our potential. In a more structural context, however, we are implementing some projects in terms of digitalization of the factory as well as the rationalization of various internal processes; all of course with the aim of increasing our operational efficiency with clear advantages also for our customers.

High performance and sophisticated design distinguish the gas hob of the Zepa-Teka Group Professional line. Thanks to the StepFlame technology it is possible to adjust the flame precisely on 9 levels to obtain the best cooking results. Quality is also guaranteed by the Heavy Duty brass burners

3 Zepa has taken all the governmental measures imposed by the DPCM (decree of the president of the council of ministers) by keeping the factory closed for several weeks. We have obviously recorded a drop due to the contingent situation which has been managed in the best possible way and today we can certainly say that we have “kept the shock wave well”.
We are also satisfied with the work done because it allowed us to coordinate the orders of our customers without interruptions in supplies, which would obviously have compromised the recovery at the sell-out level. With pleasure we also note a gradual recovery of commercial activities by more and more customers and countries to which we export. With the mission then to transform “challenges into opportunities”, we also highlight numerous positive notes having made agreements with new customers. The potential that we guarantee as a Group is indeed remarkable. Having a supplier like Zepa today means ensuring the collaboration of one of the strongest Group in the market – the Teka world – and the opportunity to include in the catalogue a series of products also complementary to the hobs such as ovens, microwaves, hoods, sinks, as well as special products that can qualify our customer’s OEM brand in an important way. All these products are made within our Group, in the various factories located in many countries of the world.


L'articolo Building the new normal sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

©patpitchaya - stock.adobe.com NEW NORMAL word by wood alphabets set on wood board and light green wall
A kitchen for the home chef https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2020/06/15/a-kitchen-for-the-home-chef/ Mon, 15 Jun 2020 05:05:40 +0000 https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=12594
The professional and domestic world are getting closer and closer thanks to appliances that provide consumers with high performance and techniques for storing and cooking typical of restaurants Ovens equipped with a probe to measure the meat temperature at the heart, hobs able of regulating cooking levels with extreme precision, new appliances for cooking with […]

L'articolo A kitchen for the home chef sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


The professional and domestic world are getting closer and closer thanks to appliances that provide consumers with high performance and techniques for storing and cooking typical of restaurants

Falmec Modula M3 is a solution consisting of a double suction body, a 60 cm induction hob and a Teppanyaki plate, able to satisfy different cooking needs. The product has a minimal design and is equipped with Flex Surface technology (for induction) and the combined Carbon.Zeo filter (for suction) which unites zeolite and activated carbon

Ovens equipped with a probe to measure the meat temperature at the heart, hobs able of regulating cooking levels with extreme precision, new appliances for cooking with typical restaurant techniques: these are just some of the innovations that distinguish appliances inspired by the professional world, born to satisfy the demand of consumers who have discovered (or rediscovered) the pleasure of cooking at home. Appliance manufacturers respond to these end users with products designed to set up a “chef’s kitchen” even at home. We have asked some operators in the sector what are the peculiarities of these appliances and what trends are emerging.

Lorenzo Poser, Commercial Director and Marketing Director of Falmec

First of all, it is significant to underline that several brands have chosen to offer some “Professional” series, already expressing in the name the desire to make products with performances close to the professional world available to the domestic channel. «We took inspiration from the professional world to create a collection of products defined precisely Falmec Professional – explains Lorenzo Poser, Commercial and Marketing Director of Falmec -. These are appliances conceived for domestic use, but realized with design logics and components used in the professional sector such as cross-blade Baffle filters that, unlike traditional grids with metal mesh, eliminate the cooking vapors and the condensation. These liquids are then gathered in a collector located in the rear part of the hood. These filters, combined with very powerful motors, guarantee suction performance able to satisfy every need in the kitchen, even the most ambitious ones. We have also integrated different cooking technologies in a single product with Modula M3, a solution in which fume extraction and professional cooking meet in a multipurpose system with high performance. The 4-zones induction hob allows a precise and flexible cooking management with the possibility of setting different levels for each individual zone, as in professional kitchens. The Teppan plate, instead, allows a uniform and healthy grilling, ideal for all types of grilled meat or vegetables.»

Marco Di Leo, CEO of R.G.V.

Often it is precisely the experience developed in the professional sector that allows to create highly performing household products characterized by high quality materials and high strength. This is the case of R.G.V.: «given the nature of our company – underlines the CEO Marco Di Leo – our philosophy starts right from the professional, therefore most of our domestic products are placed between the two sectors. An obvious example is the slicer, which has all the prerogatives to be a professional product, both in terms of quality and reliability and, above all, of durability (the data tells us that in the home these appliances are also used for twenty years or even more). The key element of these products is the way they are made, linked to the Italian tradition. In addition, another appliance that I can cite as an example is the vacuum machine, in particular the SV300 and SV400 models, which are made of steel, with double welding for vacuum and are fully automatic. In general, what distinguishes our products is the way they are designed and the materials they are made of: slicers are 100% Made-in-Italy, while small appliances are imported from China but manufactured according to our criteria.»

Paolo Mainardi, Brand Manager and Marketing Director of Fulgor Milano

Some companies, then, collaborate with professional chefs, drawing valuable ideas for the development of appliances inspired by the professional world. Among these company, we find Fulgor Milano, whose range of products for the home kitchen also includes the blast chiller and the vacuum drawer. «For some years – says Paolo Mainardi, Brand Manager and Marketing Director of Fulgor Milano – we have started collaborations with some Italian chefs to know, understand and therefore design kitchen appliances that derive from the professional world some fundamental characteristics to be transferred into the home life. The peculiarities that we have derived from these experiences have been fundamental for the development of our Professional line, divided into: kitchens (e.g. FSRC 4807 2P MK 2F X), ovens (FSO 300 P TC 2F X), hobs (FSRT 3606 GX), suction and refrigeration with functional contents different from the standard appliances that are part of our Fulgor Milano range. In particular, we use materials with durability and strength superior compared to the domestic standard such as thicker steel, cast iron grids with professional robustness, manual and electronic controls that integrate the functions of the two worlds, higher power gas burners (Crescendo) and that give user information through the backlighting of the knobs. To allow different activities, to these kitchen machines we have added appliances such as: blast chillers (FBC 4500 TF X) with TFT technology, vacuum machines (FVSD 2900 TC and FVSD 150 TC) and suction with large power up to 1,500 m3/h, present in the FPRHD 362 (90 cm) and 482 (120 cm) TC XX models, with electronic and remote controls. Finally, refrigeration appliances are also available combining the aesthetics, functionality and materials of professional refrigeration (FCFS 500 TNF ED XX ).»
Collaboration with chefs is not only precious for the company for the development of new products but is also an important channel for explaining the operation and characteristics of the appliances to consumers. Getting the end user to understand the value and potential of an appliance is strategic, especially when we speak of new and innovative products such as the suction hob.

Dino Giubbilei, Faber Marketing Director

«From the rich Faber catalog, Galileo hobs with integrated hood can undoubtedly be defined as consumer products comparable to professional ones – says Dino Giubbilei, Faber Marketing Director -. It is no a coincidence that this line has as ambassador the chef Andrea Mainardi, who has also helped us develop this type of hob by amplifying the many advantages of a solution that combines two products in one. The innovation and performance of an induction hob and an integrated hood with high suction efficiency, combined with the practicality of a completely free and easy to clean space, certainly make this new segment interesting even for a chef. Furthermore, we involved Mainardi in the creation of a series of video recipes on our youtube channel to better illustrate the practically professional performance of Galileo hobs. To this product line, we also dedicate a show cooking calendar, which always guarantees excellent feedback both from the professionals who organize them and from the public who participate and who want to cook as a real chef at home. In general, as Faber, we are very interested in capturing the main trends of the professional world and in interpreting them; for this purpose we always participate to the Host fair together with our colleagues of Franke group who have considerable and consolidated experience in this market. Together with them and our innovation team working at the Polyhub of the Polytechnic University of Milan we are developing interesting concepts aimed precisely at bringing professional solutions and performance to the Home and Consumer world.»

Maurizio Re, Sales Manager of Reber

Today an increasing number of fans of good food and people careful to healthy eating are interested in practicing the techniques of preservation and preparation of foods used in restaurants in their home life, such as sous-vide, also available for the consumer channel. «In our offer – explains Maurizio Re, Reber Sales Manager – we have vacuum packaging and vacuum cooking appliances, a technique that is now widespread in the restaurant industry and that is also emerging in the domestic channel thanks to an ever-growing number of enthusiasts. In addition to respecting the raw materials, flavors and characteristics of products, users appreciate the possibility to prepare food in advance and to program the appliance for cooking with a delayed start to find dishes ready, for example when returning from work».
In general, “chef” appliances offered to consumers are often characterized not only by functions inspired by the professional but also by sizes and aesthetics that recall the professional sector.

Evelyn Passanante, Retail Manager for Italy at Baraldi

For example, appliances with large dimensions that become the protagonists of the kitchen environment, as Baraldi points out: «in the last period – declares Evelyn Passanante, Head of Retail Italy of Baraldi company – interest has grown for important products in terms of size, that become distinctive in the kitchen. Our Elea hood, available from 120, 150 up to 180 cm, is an example. Where it is installed it becomes a useful structure as a shelf above the kitchen worktop, where users can store tools or ingredients used for preparing food. From this year, this and other models will also be equipped with the Dry Drop function with a dedicated button, which prevents the formation of condensation and dripping of water especially when using the hood with induction hobs.»

Marco Guerzoni, Marketing Director of Glem Gas

«Our premium free-standing Forza and Magnifica lines, but also the next novelty of this year, Specialista, with a semi-professional look – adds Marco Guerzoni, Marketing Director of Glem Gas – fully respond to the concept of chef cooker. As “Specialisti in cottura®” (cooking specialists) we have always aimed at different solutions to meet the primary needs of our customers: to cook at the best of their ability. Among the main characteristics of the lines that I mentioned earlier, I would like to list: the power of burners, their efficiency and their layout to maximize the versatility and the use of space, in addition to the capacity of the oven both in terms of litres and above all of width (size which, in our opinion, better expresses the effective useful space of the oven). And then the speed of rise in temperature, the uniformity and stability of the same, essential factors for excellent cooking. Finally, design, primarily functional, beautiful, current and characterized by a strong brand identity. All with the primary focus of maximizing the experience of using the appliance: it is our promise, the guide of all our development and thought, it is the style that distinguishes us, the style of how we do things in Glem Gas».

Marco Zappulla, Sales Manager of Zepa-Teka Group

The concept of experience is strongly linked to that of chef’s kitchen and translates into different applications and variations also based on the trends existing in the different markets. «Being part of a multinational group with factories operating in specific product sectors – explains Marco Zappulla, Sales Manager of Zepa-Teka Group – we develop ranges with specific objectives and benefits to offer to our customers. For us, a chef’s kitchen is synonymous with practicality, flexibility and accuracy of use: a “place” where these characteristics find the best combination, giving the user an experience. Obviously, markets differ strongly in terms of product trends and this aspect stimulates us to develop specific applications that better interpret and enhance these peculiarities. For example, we strongly believe in the new StepFlame taps, recently introduced in several of our products. In fact, these ensure extreme precision in adjusting the flame, guaranteeing total control, thanks to the possibility of calibrating the cooking level in relation to its duration. At the same time, we are significantly expanding the Indugas range: new sizes and applications are in fact being studied. Being able to combine gas and induction in the same hob has proved essential for some markets and has allowed us to offer high levels of efficiency and economy of use.»

Two worlds getting closer

The Comet hood by Baraldi combines high performance (engine up to 1,300 m3/h, automatic shutdown, 24h function) and refined aesthetics. It is characterized by a round white or black top, a stainless steel ring and LED lights. In addition, it can be controlled with a remote control/app and is equipped with a washable multilayer aluminum grease filter and an anti-odor Hi-Filter.

There are more and more points of contact between home and professional, so much so that today we can see a certain approach between these two worlds. «There are more and more proposals in this sense – says Evelyn Passanante of Baraldi – with products that support the request of passionate consumers or innovative professionals. For example, it happened we set up cooking schools with hoods that also had high aesthetic standards (Comet model) or we supplied private users with hoods with high-performance motors up to 1,300 m3/h. The contact points between domestic and professional products increase, giving rise to hybrids dedicated to the final consumer but already defined as semi-professional.»

FreshQuality SV300 by R.G.V. is an automatic vacuum machine with 2 parallel sealing bars, steel pump shaft and body in ABS matt black with steel coating. The machine is equipped with a compartment for roll/bags, tube with connections for non-solid food and a scroll bar and cutter to make bags of the desired length

«I wouldn’t be able to say for other sectors – declares Marco Di Leo of R.G.V. in turn – but as far as we are concerned, I can say that 70% of our products are already in fact straddling the domestic and professional world.»
The interest of a part of consumers who want to test themselves with elaborate preparations and new cooking techniques that need innovative and performing appliances supports the creation of appliances designed for the home but with higher characteristics than the standards.

Continuous cast iron professional grills, 6 Crescendo Dual burners and the tubular gas burner for Teppanyaki distinguish the Fulgor Milano FSRC 4807 2P MK 2F X cooker. The product integrates two multifunction ovens, equipped with a Creactive system with knobs, Booster and pyrolytic cleaning. The main oven also has a temperature probe for food

«The progressive approach between household and professional products responds to an increasingly qualified demand for equipment capable of carrying out integrated and complex activities – explains Paolo Mainardi of Fulgor Milano -. For the realization of dishes of great refinement, quality and taste, it is necessary to turn to an integration between the two culinary worlds which, starting from sometimes different methodologies, find a synthesis in “prosumer” appliances where the professional base is integrated by the knowledge of the domestic needs.»
Zepa also agrees in recognizing an effective interest of a certain part of the public for superior performance appliances.

Solidity, performance and design are combined in the Professional line of Zepa-Teka Group. The precision in cooking is guaranteed by the StepFlame technology which allows gas adjustment on 9 levels. The product is characterized by Heavy Duty brass burners and cast iron grids. In addition, the Dual burner allows the two crowns to be used also individually

«Certainly we are witnessing the expansion of a sector in which this trend is taking place – Marco Zappulla says -. Being able to test yourself in your own home with features once reserved for the professional is certainly of interest to a part of the public. An example of this phenomenon is vacuum storage/cooking: certainly both very interesting but still limited. However, we can certainly say that our Group follows the current trend with interest.»
For Glem Gas we can speak of “approach” only partially, underlining that domestic and professional have different needs anyway. «Let us think of the level of performance required by commercial appliances, as well as the fact that restaurants often require advanced cooking techniques – explains Marco Guerzoni -.Given this, over time steam, which made its appearance already in the late 80s, has been strongly pushed and begins to have a good grip on the domestic market thanks above all to its health perception. We are talking about electric multifunction ovens that adopt this method of cooking in assisted mode, guaranteeing in a more or less sophisticated way a certain percentage of humidity inside the cavity. It is certainly an interesting trend, not to be overlooked, but in my opinion not so innovative. Vacuum and temperature reduction are other technologies that have made their entrance among appliances for domestic use, and typically of commercial origin, but in terms of volumes, in the built-in area, they are within the reach of a lucky few. As Glem Gas, our approach is to provide a product that is simple to use, accessible to many and with which the user can get the most out of it by interacting.

Carbon Look, Red or Stainless Steel: these are the three styles of the Magnifica cooker, proposed by Glem Gas. Italian design is characterized by the refinement of details and quality materials. The cooker features a multifunction gas oven with two turbo fans and a capacity of 140 liters. It has a stainless steel backing tray and includes 3 high efficiency Dual Ring burners

With regard to cooking, having first talked about steam, we as “Specialisti in cottura” confirm our interest in gas, not only because of its affinity with steam, but with the conviction that more traditional cooking does not necessarily have to be understood as out of fashion. Gas, in addition to be the type of cooking loved by chefs, in fact allows excellent results as it maintains a certain humidity in the cavity in favor of the softness of food and allowing it remaining succulent. It will be a bit old fashion but we still believe in it a lot and, if the key is humidity, we are not so far away. Obviously we are not precluding other ways, but our focus remains the user experience and the real usability and maximization of it.»

With an A+++ class hood, the Galileo NG hob by Faber has a high capture efficiency. The touch slider controls make it easy to use, while the possibility of joining adjacent areas allows to cook even with large pots. Among its plus, the Waterproof technology and the automatic activation of the hood at the most suitable speed stand out

Even Dino Giubbilei of Faber agrees that the needs of the domestic market are different from those of the professional, however the latter area can provide interesting insights for products addressed to consumers: «I think that needs still remain quite different – he comments – but this does not mean that the professional world does not represent a stimulus to improve performance and home solutions.»

Powerful motor (950 m³/h) and high performance Baffle metal filters distinguish Falmec’s Zeus Pro hood, belonging to the Professional line. The appliance, available in both 90 cm and 120 cm versions, is equipped with a container for cooking oils. The product is in stainless steel (AISI 304) with Scotch Brite finish

A key theme is certainly to make products equipped with technologies and tools close to the professional world as simple as possible so that the home user can use them without too many complications. «The technological transfer between the professional and domestic world is certainly underway – Lorenzo Poser of Falmec says -. The important thing will be to make this technology as intuitive as possible, so that it is easily understood and then used, otherwise there is a risk that it will remain on the instruction manual.»

Reber 9700 N Sottovuoto Family allows to extend food storage times. The machine has a professional vacuum gauge and the operation is continuous without the need to stops for cooling. In addition, the appliance features an energy-saving system and automatic operation with the possibility of manual use

«Obviously the stumbling block of the final price remains – Maurizio Re of Reber adds – but there are several characteristics of the professional products that are imposing themselves also in domestic use. As it has happened in many sectors, I believe the tendency to shift a simplified form of professional devices to daily use is clear.»

Consumer interest in quality cuisine is growing

Baraldi Elea is available with lengths up to 180 cm, becoming the protagonist
in large-sized kitchens. Its top can be used as a shelf for storing utensils and ingredients. And from this year Elea will also have the Dry Drop function to solve the problem of condensation and water dripping especially in use with induction hobs



Certainly the attention towards the world of chefs, confirmed by the success of some television programs, contributes to increase the interest of consumers in more performing appliances able to make people experiment new ways of cooking. The number of people who want to “dress” the clothes of the house chef and who are careful to the quality of what is cooked and to health is growing.
«Certainly – Evelyn Passanante of Baraldi affirms – the interest in quality cuisine promoted by the various television chefs brings users closer to higher-level appliances that are able to support the preparation of refined dishes. For example, our Diamond Flexi suction induction hob offers the possibility of regulating 3 types of automatic temperature for cooking, with the intermediate one at 70°, ideal for slow cooking, generally used by professionals or advanced consumers who can prepare “healthy dishes” able to maintain the organoleptic and nutritional properties of foods.»

«There is an increasing research and attention for the kitchen – Lorenzo Poser of Falmec confirms -.Technology, then, with its evolutions, helps us improve our skills and is highly appreciated by an ever wider public of all ages.»

The FBC 4500 TF X blast chiller by Fulgor Milano is a multifunctional model, which performs 11 functions, including Blast Chilling, Freezing (-18 °C), Beverage Cooling, Sanitization at -30 °C to prevent the creation of bacteria in food to be consumed raw, Defrosting, Slow Cooking, Leavening and Ready-to-Eat to heat cooked foods stored in the fridge

There is in fact a part of consumers who want to try elaborate recipes, which can now be made easier thanks to appliances that allow to accurately manage the heat and cooking times and that allow to take advantage of numerous automatic functions. Because not only kitchen experts can cook as chefs with these appliances. «Public – Paolo Mainardi of Fulgor Milano explains – is becoming increasingly interested in sophisticated applications, presented by the different cooking programs that fill television shows or monothematic channels. The greater knowledge of these areas means that an articulated demand for equipment is generated that only a few companies are able to satisfy adequately.»
The appliances that are often seen in the kitchen programs are in fact products that integrate advanced technologies and components capable of enabling high-level performances and functions, as Zepa points out: «undoubtedly the “trend” proposed also by the media requires high skills and standards in preparation of food, something that often only the expert hands of a chef can actually achieve – Marco Zappulla says -. The appliances that accompany these TV shows attract the end user very much: in fact we find multi-crown burners with high powers, timers for setting the cooking and electronic programming for some product features. These peculiarities push users to search for these performances in everyday cooking and in fact, even if they normally have little time for preparing food, the awareness of being able to have them at the first opportunity is often a good reason to buy ».
The offer of high-performance appliances, but also capable of guiding the user step by step, makes the possibility of experimenting in the kitchen and trying to do it yourself more affordable for everyone. «The “chef’s trend” – comments Marco Guerzoni of Glem Gas – in our opinion, brings first of all the desire to experience personally, rediscovering the passion of cooking, of doing at home and entertaining the others or/and oneself by cooking … a very current theme which is also the basis of our communication claim “La Buona Cucina Italiana” (The Good Italian Cuisine). This is the basic requirement that allows the appliance to be used at its full potential, which in the past perhaps had lost some interest. This trend perfectly aligns with our idea of home appliance, which must never replace the user but must support him in creating his own recipes at best. In few words, it must be easy to use, versatile, fast and effective.»

Vacuum cooking becomes accessible also to the home user with Reber Gourmet Sous-Vide. You can program the temperature (from 32° to 86°) and control it precisely thanks to the +/- 0.5 ° excursion thermal probe. Furthermore, the product can be managed through App. The machine is energy-saving and capacious (useful space for food: 70% of the tank)

Maurizio Re of Reber underlines, in turn, that the cooking enthusiasts market, despite being a niche one, is nevertheless interesting because it is composed by an audience capable of appreciating quality products: «Surely – he explains – there is a great curiosity towards products of professional origin, generated by the spread of a culture of food preparation that has a large media resonance, thanks to the numerous television programs dedicated to cooking. We also have the curiosity of the customer who wants to recreate at home the dishes he tasted in the restaurants and therefore looks for the products used by the chefs. We are talking about a niche market, because not everyone has space and time to dedicate to cooking, but that is becoming interesting because it appreciates quality products and Made-in-Italy.»
The high quality level is the distinctive feature of semi-professional products, which are aimed at demanding customers. «In our case – Marco Di Leo of R.G.V. says – I can say that the fact that we have never lowered the quality level and made a semi-professional product has rewarded us over time, because where a need arises in the kitchen sooner or later people get to buy a performant product as ours.»

Sturdy and performing, the SV400 machine by R.G.V. allows food to be vacuum-packed preserving its freshness for a longer time. The appliance is characterized by a power of 350 W and a suction power of 0.9 bar. It has two sealing bars, the compartment for the roll/bags, the compartment with door for storing the tube for non-solid food etc.

Finally, as already mentioned, so that the passion aroused by kitchen television programs does not go out and the products with professional performances are truly accessible to a domestic audience, it is essential that the appliances are truly user-friendly. Dino Giubbilei of Faber reiterates this: «it has been for a long time – the manager says – that the various television contests have increased the passion of consumers for cooking, stimulating interest in models with greater performance or towards products that were previously almost exclusive of the professional world. However, the task of a company like Faber is also to make the characteristics of these solutions available to the consumer, first of all by simplifying their use.»



L'articolo A kitchen for the home chef sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World Falmec Modula M3 is a solution consisting of a double suction body, a 60 cm induction hob and a Teppanyaki plate, able to satisfy different cooking needs. The product has a minimal design and is equipped with Flex Surface technology (for induction) and the combined Carbon.Zeo filter (for suction) which unites zeolite and activated carbon
Zepa is going to launch its new Pro Gas Hobs Range https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2019/11/29/zepa-is-going-to-launch-its-new-pro-gas-hobs-range/ Fri, 29 Nov 2019 06:00:01 +0000 https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=11797
The Italian company, specialist in cooking, will launch a range of gas hobs with professional features but for domestic use Zepa, a historic Made-in-Italy brand, part of Teka Group, is going to launch a brand new range of gas hobs, built with professional materials and developed with innovative functions, suggested by chefs themselves to offer […]

L'articolo Zepa is going to launch its new Pro Gas Hobs Range sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


The Italian company, specialist in cooking, will launch a range of gas hobs with professional features but for domestic use
Zepa, a historic Made-in-Italy brand, part of Teka Group, is going to launch a brand new range of gas hobs, built with professional materials and developed with innovative functions, suggested by chefs themselves to offer the same performance as a professional kitchen at home.
Fine and solid materials, with an elegant Italian style, make this new line the flagship of Zepa, which is preparing the introduction of the new collection into the Italian and foreign markets.
Among the valuable features of Zepa Pro Gas Range, the StepFlame system undoubtedly stands out, because it offers the possibility of adjusting the flame with extreme precision on as many as 9 different power levels.
Another significant plus of these new hobs are their grids, all joint that create a totally usable surface, which allows pots to be moved by dragging them, without having to lift them.
Marco Zappulla, Sales Manager of Zepa, explains the other features of the range.

Marco Zappulla, Sales Manager ZEPA Spa, Teka Group

When will the new range of professional hobs be available?
The line will be ready for market launch starting from April 2020.

Will it also be launched abroad?
Yes, absolutely it will. When we develop a product line, we conceive it to cover more markets. We are already selecting customers in the various countries of the world where we are most present in order to plan all the connected activities. In our company we have a laboratory certified by IMQ and compliant with almost all world standards. We test all the products with the most widely used gases in the world and when the product is formally validated, it is ready to be certified in the reference market; all obviously supported by our internal tests.

To which distribution channels is your professional collection addressed to?
It is intented to our usual channels. Being strongly present in the OEM channel, we think of distributors, private labels, but also of “global brands” that want to complete their range with highly connotative products, thus also covering possible high-remuneration niches.
What are the features that characterized the Zepa Pro range?
Its design is in line with professional standards, with brass burners, heavy grids, large-sized knobs, combination of multiple materials in the same product, through the use of a glass ceramic hob with a massive aluminum profile.
Moreover, the new hobs feature 4.5 kW “hi efficiency ” burners , with Dual function for Wok burners, in addition to the innovative StepFlame system for all burners.
Thanks to this new Gas Valve System, in a few words, through the 9 tap selectors, the intensity of the flame will be precisely selected: each level will be distinguished with an evident click corresponding to a very well calibrated and constant flame gradation.
Thanks to this system it will therefore be possible to select a precise cooking level without approximation, both in terms of duration and degree of cooking.

How many models does the Pro Range include?
The range includes 7 models: two Dominos with 1 and 2 burners; a 60 cm model with 3 burners to allow the use of very large pots; 2 models of 75 cm with lateral and central Wok; 2 models of 90 cm with 5 and 4 burners.

Can we describe the prominent features of the top models?
Regarding the Domino versions, the model with a Wok will have the exceptional power of 8.0 kW, the highest available today on the household market. And the extremely interesting thing is that this power is possible despite a very limited burner depth, thanks to which it will be possible to insert a drawer underneath. The version with 4 fires of 90 cm will boast 2 lateral Woks with the Dual function and an output of 4.5 kW each. Another very interesting element is the fact that these hobs have also been designed for the US market: they differ in fact from the European hobs for their XL sizes, which perfectly reflect American standards.

What are the technologies and materials that allow this range to be considered professional?
The look of the products, the materials, the performance of the burners, all in brass, stand out in a particular way. Noteworthy is the configuration of the grids, which are all joint, thus forming a totally exploitable surface, safe for the user. Indeed, it will be possible to move the pots simply by “dragging” them, without having to lift them.

Regarding design, how have the new Zepa hobs been developed and what style do they have?
Our R&D team has worked following specific inputs of important chefs from several countries, who have shown their preferences in terms of usable space and ideal burner configurations.

Have you planned any particular initiative for the launch of the new Line?
We are thinking about it, on the basis of the different countries and customers. At the moment we have not yet defined anything, but the ideas are many. The range itself and the value it guarantees is the base of strong motivation both by us and by those who have already seen and tested it in a preview.

“Culmination of three years of hard work testing and designing with the aim of bringing a new benchmark in strength, performance and beauty into daily-life kitchens”. With this specific target in mind, Zepa has created the new Professional Range, which includes all the variants to satisfy every request. The range includes 7 models: two Dominos with 1 and 2 burners; a 60 cm model with 3 burners to allow the use of very large pots; 2 models of 75 cm with lateral and central Wok; 2 models of 90 cm with 5 and 4 burners. Many are the plusses that will allow users to cook easier and in a more comfortable way every day. Among them, we can mention: StepFlame, a new Gas Valve System, which allows users to have 9 precise selectors to choose the exact intensity of the flame: each level is selected with an obvious click corresponding to a fin-tuned and obvious level of flame. Increased comfort is also ensured by the extended distance among the knobs.
Among the new models of the Zepa Professional Range, we want to present the 5 burners hob. It is a mix of refined details and technological features. The most relevant plusses are:
Cast iron grid
Gas detection and stop gas system
Automatic ignition
StepFlame – 9 steps
Power Cord
Ceramic glass with aluminum knobs panel
5 burners
Heavy duty brass burners equipped
Front left: Semirapid (1,75 Kw)
Rear left: Semirapid (1,75 Kw)
Rear right: Rapid (3,0 Kw)
Front right: Auxiliary (1 Kw)
Center: Double Ring DUAL (4,5 Kw)
Width: 750 mm (900 mm also available)
Depth: 510 mm
Zepa is an Italian company, located in the Veneto Region. It designs and manufactures high-quality and functional products, characterized by elegant style and comfort of use. It is present in several countries and is part of Teka Group. Founded in 1924, the latter is a multinational firm of German origin, engaged in manufacturing and marketing kitchen and bathroom appliances, porcelain products and industrial containers. The firm currently boasts 25 factories spread across three continents, which enable it to market its products in over 110 countries and to serve more than 100 million consumers worldwide. It has a powerful logistics platform with distribution hubs across Europe, Asia and America.

L'articolo Zepa is going to launch its new Pro Gas Hobs Range sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World
Not only functional, but multi-functional devices https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2019/06/12/not-only-functional-but-multi-functional-devices/ Wed, 12 Jun 2019 05:05:04 +0000 https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=11269
The most advanced household appliances do not only perform their main function in the best way, but widen their action, becoming multifunction products to be more and more efficient and offer a greater user experience by Elena Corti The world of household appliances is facing big changes: appliances, in fact, do not perform only a […]

L'articolo Not only functional, but multi-functional devices sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


The most advanced household appliances do not only perform their main function in the best way, but widen their action, becoming multifunction products to be more and more efficient and offer a greater user experience

Fabita reinterprets the hob concept with Ordine, created in collaboration with the Adriano Design studio in Turin and displayed at the latest edition of Salone del Mobile in Milan. It is an induction hob that can be placed on the work area when needed and then, after the use, it can be hung like a ladle or a pot. And, during the use, it is possible to choose how far to place the cooking zones

by Elena Corti

The world of household appliances is facing big changes: appliances, in fact, do not perform only a single function, but tend to gather different functionalities in a single product, in order to offer greater comfort and performance to consumers. Considering the various types of appliances, those dedicated to the kitchen environment are among the most evident examples of multi-functionality.

Frecan Flow 4 features an extraction system reaching high levels of performance in terms of vapor collection, absence of noise and energy efficiency (class A +). It has the double bridge function and is available in extraction mode or in filtering versions (with ceramic filter cubes that can be regenerated in the oven with a plasma filter 96% filtering capacity and air purification)

Think of the extractor hob, which combines the cooking functions with the extraction of fumes and vapors. This product generally presents all the features of induction models (for example the Bridge and Boost functions, pause and timer, touch control commands, precise adjustment of power levels, residual heat indicator, pan recognition, the control lock for child safety, ease of cleaning), to which the typical functions of a hood are added, with different suction speeds, automatic delayed switch-off function, electronic programming, grease and anti-odor filters , energy efficiency. There are models with the aspirator positioned in the center of the top (with a circular or rectangular grid) or versions in which the extraction takes place through lateral slits or even products characterized by the integrated hood that emerges from the hob when needed and then disappears when it must not be used. These types of products have allowed a greater freedom in the design of the kitchen, reducing the overall dimensions of the hood to a minimum. From a physical-technological point of view, the principle at the basis of the suction hob consists in intercepting vapors and fumes directly from below.

Baraldi Diamond Flexi is an induction hob with an integrated hood. It has a series of advanced functions such as cooking at low temperatures and the possibility of keeping food warm. The product is available in two versions (filtering or duction), and the Air-0 purification module is also available. With two double pistols, the glass is open and the closet by descending in a fluid way without the risk of falling

These, in fact, rise with a maximum speed of 1 m/s: the suction system intervenes by extracting them downwards with a greater speed, creating a transversal flow. The cooking vapors are captured and the grease particles and odors are not dispersed in the environment and are not deposited on the surfaces of the furniture or fabrics.
A further aspect that characterizes the versatility of this type of hobs is the possibility to choose between the suction or filtering version. In the first case, the fumes are conveyed outside the house through a pipe, while in the second case the air, filtered and cleaned from grease and odors, is returned to the kitchen. There are also models that combine the suction or filtering system with the cold plasma technology that cleans and purifies, further improving the quality of the kitchen environment.

Baraldi Diamond Flexi is an induction hob with an integrated hood. It has a series of advanced functions such as cooking at low temperatures and the possibility of keeping food warm. The product is available in two versions (filtering or duction), and the Air-0 purification module is also available. With two double pistols, the glass is open and the closet by descending in a fluid way without the risk of falling
NikolaTesla Libra by Elica (design Fabrizio Crisà ) is a suction/filtering hob that integrates a scale on its surface. With this product it is possible to weigh food directly in the pot, at any temperature level, adding the ingredients one after the other during the cooking phases. The scale has a dedicated user-interface that allows its use even when the product is completely switched off

Moreover, always with a view to multi-functionality, systems are available on the market combining – in a single solution – induction hob with aspirator and teppanyaki plate. Among the latest innovations, there is also the extractor hob that integrates a scale to weigh foods directly into the pot and at any temperature level, making the preparation of a recipe easier and more immediate. The scale can also be used when the hob is off: among the different options, this appliance has the “tare” function (to weigh the ingredients one by one resetting when a new one is added) and the function to keep the selected weigh.
Within the hobs, another innovation that allows the user to have more functions available are segmented models, which combine for example induction, gas and electric plate. In this way a 3 in 1 product is obtained, allowing the three technologies to be used in the space of a normal hob, exploiting all the possibilities offered by the different cooking systems. Mixed hobs “move” in a similar direction, combining gas burners and induction zones and are available in different variants to adapt to different space requirements. All these solutions are designed to allow the user take advantages from any different cooking modes: in this way water can be boiled in a few minutes using induction without renouncing powerful burners for other types of preparations.

Bora Classic 2.0 combines cooking functions with suction. This solution, thanks to which cooking vapors and odors do not rise upwards but are sucked where they are form, offers new possibilities at design level, leaving more space in the kitchen. Furthermore, it is possible to create systems in which the extractor can be combined with different types of hobs: in the photo induction hob, fume suction system and teppanyaki plate
Bertazzoni’s Professional Series segmented hob (90 cm) is finished in stainless steel. It features a dual wok burner (5 kW), two induction zones (180 mm diameter, 1400-1800 W) and one griddle zone (800 W). This product, available in the USA market, presents accurate metal control knobs and cast iron supports that are solid and secure for safe use.

Finally, another trend that runs parallel to the multi-functionality is managing the space in an innovative way to harmonize the various functions in the kitchen. For example, there are products that combine the cooking function and the washing area in a single solution to make the most of the corner space. These are proposals designed on the basis of a detailed study of the movements, gestures and dynamics involved in daily actions: the result is a multi-functional work area designed around the ergonomics of movements. Moreover, among the most original ideas in the kitchen, there is also that of making the hob no longer an immovable object but an instrument that can be placed on the work area when needed and then raised or even hung on the wall when no longer needed: when the appliance is raised, the hob space becomes a work surface.

The new Indugas Hybrid Range by Zepa combines gas and induction technology and is available in different combinations to meet all users’ needs. The 60 cm gas on glass + induction hob (in the picture) has 3 cooking zones (1 induction Ø 210 mm – 1,500 W; 1 induction Ø 145 mm – 1,200 W; 1 gas Double ring burner – 5 kW). Besides, the hob presents Power Plus function, Power Management function, independent programmer of each cooking zone etc.


To optimize the blind space of the kitchen corner areas, Alpes Inox realizes a corner professional hob and washing area, designed around the ergonomics of the movements. The angular space is transformed into a perfectly functional work area in which it is possible to combine washing and cooking for maximum efficiency of the surfaces
In the Shadow suction hob by Siurius (design Giacomo Fava), cooking and fumes extraction coexist in a single elegant object. Through an intuitive touch control the glass panel opens automatically and can be set to both at 45 and 90 degrees. Equipped with a system of grease filters patented by Sirius, the hob is installed in combination with high-performance but small dimension motors, that make it possible to make the most of the kitchen furniture

Oven: the multifunction appliance for excellence

Teka’s iOven is a multifunction SurroundTemp oven that includes 18 cooking functions such as Keep Warm, Bake Bread, Quick Heating, Pizza, Ferment, Defrosting & Eco. Besides, the SlowCook function allows user to cook at low temperatures and with the Multicook tray the oven turns into a steam oven. The product is also equipped with Personal Cook assistant with 50 programmed recipes and TFT 5 “true color Touch Control

Surely the oven is one of the devices that have been able to combine a greater variety of functions, making available an ever increasing number of automatic programs and cooking modes. The increasing use of electronics allows to offer consumers advanced technologies to obtain excellent results thanks to intuitive and user-friendly systems: displays and electronic controls in fact guide the user who can rely on automatic processes.

The multi-functions ovens are designed to allow the consumer to cook easily without the need to manually set temperatures and cooking modes thus avoiding making mistakes: from bread to pizza, from meat to recipes that require slow cooking, up to keeping warm, these devices also allow less experienced users trying prepare also elaborate recipes. Desserts remain soft, bread perfectly rises and forms a golden crust, meat cooks in the best way while remaining tender. These results are also possible thanks to the fact that the more advanced models are equipped with accessories that were previously used only in the professional field, such as the meat probe or the refractory stone for ovens equipped with the Pizza function that are able to reach a temperature of over 300 degrees, creating a cooking similar to that of a wood oven.
Moreover, there are devices in which a series of recipes are already stored or models that allow you to connect to the Internet and view video recipes on the door of the product that becomes a screen.  In addition, the connected ovens enable new functions: they can be managed remotely through a smartphone, with which for example you can activate the pre-heating so that the user, returning home, find the appliance already warm.

The V-Zug Combi-Steam XSL combined steam oven can be used for steam and vacuum cooking (30-100° C). Moreover, thanks to the GourmetGuide it is equipped with a professional program that combines steam and hot air to cook bread and leavened products in an optimal way. Other pluses of the product are the Automatic Cooking and SoftRoasting programs, the Automatic Regeneration and the EasyCook function that suggests recipes, cooking mode and time

Among the latest trends in the field of ovens, there is certainly steam cooking combined with traditional one. This type of product not only makes it possible to choose between different programs where the use of steam is regulated (for example for cooking sous vide), but also offers the possibility of combining steam and hot air for a tasty but at the same time healthy cuisine. Steam can be very useful in the kitchen: just to mention a few, it helps to obtain an excellent leavening of the dough, preserves the nutritional properties of the vegetables and makes the meat soft and succulent. The range of opportunities made available consumers to experiment with different types of cooking is further extended.
Among other products dedicated to the kitchen, it is also worth mentioning the microwave ovens which offers more and more features and types of cooking that can also be combined. Today microwave ovens not only heat and defrost, but can also be used for cooking: the most advanced models allow, in addition to cooking with microwaves, even ventilated and steam cooking.
Finally, even among freestanding cookers there are versions designed to allow a multifunctional use of the product: for example there are models equipped with an oven that can work both with electricity and gas, thus allowing the best of both technologies to be exploited, choosing the one or the other depending on what you want to cook.

The BI Energy cooker mod. IT965GGEI2 by Glem Gas has a multifunction electric / gas oven combining with a gas oven. For example, the consumer can use the moist heat of gas for succulent roasts and the dry heat of electricity for crispy pastries. Besides, the cooker features a triple glass door, a flame failure protection on all burners, a digital timer etc.

Cold and not only

Officine Gullo presents the fridge-freezer FRK002 that also includes a wine chiller. The combined side-by-side is realized in the Living Coral color and is equipped with BioFresh- Plus and NoFrostBioFresh -Pus technology. BioFresh -Plus with separate electronic control offers even more flexibility for customized stocks: for example for fish storage the temperature in the upper drawer can be reduced to -2 ° C

If the world of cooking has made multi-functionality one of its strengths, even the Cooling segment has been able to offer innovations in this direction, going beyond the already innovative technologies for storing food with differentiated areas and compartments. There are for example refrigerators that integrate the wine cellar, allowing you to preserve the quality of wines without having to provide an extra space in the kitchen. Refrigerators are also be launched on the market equipped with the accessory to make ice cream and products coated with a special slate-effect paint that turns the outside of the fridge into a blackboard on which to write. Further proposals are represented by devices that allow to choose any time which compartments to dedicate to cooling and which to freezing: the refrigerator becomes a very flexible multi-zone device, able to respond to the changing needs of the user. Finally, some refrigerators are equipped with innovative technologies and functions that make them not only a tool to preserve but also a hub for the Internet of Things.

The FL multi-function blast chiller by Foster combines the performance of a professional machine with a series of functions designed for the domestic use. It has programs related not only to food preservation, but also to preparations and cooking. Among its functions, it presents the positive chilling, freezing, sanitizing, controlled leavening, slow cooking at low temperature, food regeneration, cooling of beverages

This type of device is connected and allows to look inside the refrigerator even when you are away from home, using a smartphone and internal cameras. Moreover, through a large screen integrated into the product, you can create the shopping list and even order it on-line, find recipes, share photos and messages, watch TV programs and listen to music.
Remaining in the field of Cooling, a tool that stands out for its multi-functionality is the blast chiller. This product, created for the professional channel, is proposed on the domestic market as a device capable of performing multiple functions both in terms of cooling and cooking. The presence of numerous programs allows the blast chiller to be versatile and to be used to meet different needs. In terms of cooling, this product can, for example, quickly reduce the temperature, freeze, sanitize fish and cool the bottles. As for the heat, it can leaven, cook at low temperature, regenerate and thaw. It is a tool designed to be simple and intuitive so that the user can easily manage the multiple functions.

Eleven functions make the FBC 4500 TF X blast chiller by Fulgor Milano a multifunction device capable of managing a temperature range from +75 to -30 ° C. The product is able to chill at +3 ° C, freeze (-18 ° C), store at 0 °C, sanitize raw fish, cool drinks, defrost, heat already cooked food to the consumed temperature, cook slowly, let rise etc. Touch TFT controls facilitate the use of the product

Purifying, illuminating , furnishing

K-Air, a concept by Faber, presents sensors that monitor temperature level, humidity, volatile organic compounds and gas to keep air quality under control. The hood can be connected to the smartphone to check the status of the filters directly from the screen. It is equipped with a touch screen and a smart sensor device that detects the state of the air and monitors the anti-odor filters. Finally, K-AIR can be used to consult recipes on the Internet

Hood is a household appliance that in recent years has undergone a strong evolution, which has led it to improve its performance and to increase its functions. As already mentioned for the extractor hobs, it does not limit itself to extract fumes and odors but can also filter and purify the air. If domestic environments become unhealthy, the latest generation hoods are equipped with sensors that detect pollutants and are able to activate automatically to restore air quality. For the user, this translates into a healthier environment and greater comfort. Furthermore, new features have been made possible by the digital technologies: for example, connected hoods can be managed by the smartphone through an app and there are also models capable of communicating with the hob.

Bellaria by Falmec has a dual function: air purifier and ambient lamp, made of handmade glass, with adjustable intensity LED light. Thanks to the active ionization system, the product neutralizes odors and harmful substances: the air sanitization process is visualized by a luminous indicator, whose yellow to green color change indicates the progressive improvement of the environmental conditions

Thanks to the controls integrated in the top, in fact, hood operates automatically while the user cooks in order to always guarantee a healthy and pleasant environment. But not only. Among the different functions that the hood is able to carry out, there is also that of a chandelier, which ensures effective lighting and for some versions is also adjustable in intensity.  Light and suction, despite being two distinct elements, find harmony within a single product: in particular, there are models with a very refined design in which a perfect balance is created between technological innovation, visual comfort and attention to aesthetics.

Additional factors that make the hood a multi-functional product are inherent in the product structure itself. Think of the models that also become shelves (for example using eco-sustainable materials such as wood) and are equipped with electrical outlets, USB ports, supports for the tablet and areas set up for placing kitchen utensils. Among the most original solutions, there is the hood that can accommodate even a small vegetable garden with aromatic plants.
Finally, more and more frequently hood combines elements that make it a piece of furniture to functions related to the technological aspects.  The concept of multi-functionality goes beyond all the hi-tech functions of the appliance and extends to a range of finishes and styles that expand the use of the product, which can be displayed with pleasure because it becomes an object simultaneously functional and aesthetically pleasing.
In the area of ​​products dedicated to air treatment, not only kitchen hoods can be considered as multifunction products. Also purifiers have evolved, with solutions that are at the same time instruments able to guarantee the quality of the air and lamps to be placed in the environment, equipped with adjustable LED lights. Models made in various colors are available on the market (to better adapt to the context in which they are inserted) and with indicators that visually signal the state of the air and the progressive improvement of environmental conditions.

A 360 ° look at the world of household appliances
Although in some segments the trend towards multi-functionality is particularly marked, it actually affects the whole world of the home appliance. Small appliances, such as food processors and cooking machines, are more and more all -in-one devices thanks to the large number of accessories and automatic programs available. A similar concept is also found in products for male beauty, also equipped with various accessories and functions to take care of beard and hair using a single appliance, while in the vacuum cleaners segment we find versatile electric brooms that allow users to pass easily from the broom mode to the hand held vacuum cleaner mode, or brooms that combine steam and cyclonic technology, or even robots that have wet and dry cloths with which they are able to perform both dry and wet cleaning. Another multi-function small domestic appliance is coffee machine, able of preparing numerous drinks in addition to the classic espresso. If we move then on to air-conditioning, there are now many products that cool and heat, while if we think of washing, the multi-functionality of a washing machine is increased not only by the growing number of programs but also by the new possibilities offered by the Internet connection: in particular, among the latest trends there are washing machines that can communicate with dryers or washing machines able to interact responding to voice commands. Finally, even Brown Goods are strongly distinguished by the tendency to multi-functionality: just think of smart TVs and smartphones.

L'articolo Not only functional, but multi-functional devices sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World Fabita reinterprets the hob concept with Ordine, created in collaboration with the Adriano Design studio in Turin and displayed at the latest edition of Salone del Mobile in Milan. It is an induction hob that can be placed on the work area when needed and then, after the use, it can be hung like a ladle or a pot. And, during the use, it is possible to choose how far to place the cooking zones
Trends of integration in the kitchen https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2019/03/15/trends-of-integration-in-the-kitchen/ Fri, 15 Mar 2019 06:05:56 +0000 https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=10724
Our search among companies continues to understand concretely what it means to integrate appliances and kitchen furniture. Trends can be different: from the creation of a perfectly homogeneous environment, to conceiving a space characterized by a harmony of contrasts. by Elena Corti The increasing integration between home appliances and kitchen furniture is now an ongoing […]

L'articolo Trends of integration in the kitchen sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


Our search among companies continues to understand concretely what it means to integrate appliances and kitchen furniture. Trends can be different: from the creation of a perfectly homogeneous environment, to conceiving a space characterized by a harmony of contrasts.

Glem Gas Schock: The mirrored black exterior glass and the stainless steel profiles of the Schock Silver F605 Black oven give the product a clean and essential style that is well suited to the various types of kitchens. The appliance is in A Class, has 5 functions and an extra-large cavity of 64 net liter
Glem Gas Schock: The mirrored black exterior glass and the stainless steel profiles of the Schock Silver F605 Black oven give the product a clean and essential style that is well suited to the various types of kitchens. The appliance is in A Class, has 5 functions and an extra-large cavity of 64 net liter

by Elena Corti

The increasing integration between home appliances and kitchen furniture is now an ongoing trend, which can however be achieved by focusing on different stylistic and design choices. There are those who aim at a very uniform effect, with essential lines and spaces designed to best accommodate a growing number of devices that almost “disappear” in the kitchen furniture, and those that conceive the integration as a harmony of contrasts, where the appliance is highlighted and becomes a protagonist thanks also to the new proposals in terms of design. Certainly colors, materials and finishes are key aspects for the integration of the various elements of the kitchen environment, without forgetting the technical factors that allow the perfect installation of appliances in furniture and ensure functionality.

Questions to the companies
1 We are frequently talking about the integration between home appliances and kitchen furniture: in your opinion, is this a trend that will become increasingly important in the near future?
2 Do you believe that the diffusion in the kitchen of an increasing number of home appliances, new types of products and appliances with non-traditional dimensions will push to rethink the design of the kitchen?
3 In your opinion, what are the factors that allow a true integration between home appliances and kitchen furniture to create a homogeneous space?

Glem Gas

Gaetano Lamanna, head of the Furniture Division of Glem Gas

1 In our opinion a polarization will be created: on one side we will have the furniture and the appliance that will integrate with each other and will find in the kitchen environment, that is more and more important, a harmonious collocation, while – on the other side – the contrasts will prevail that will lead to make the appliance and the furniture stand out in a complementary way. On the one hand, therefore, we will have the perfect and complete integration of the appliance with the furniture: in this case the tendency is to maintain an extremely clean and essential design where the lines perfectly merge together. On the other hand, we will have instead a real “explosion” of design, where appliance will become the protagonist of the kitchen and where color contrasts will prevail. Here we will have a product that will tend to be more and more customizable and with an extremely appealing design. Colors and innovative style will distinguish it and make it a furnishing item full of character and functionality.

2 Of course, this trend has already been in place for years. We only think of the 75 cm hobs, that were a novelty 10 years ago. Today there are 78 cm induction hobs and built-in fridges higher than the latest standards. We will go towards a gradual redefinition of the dimensions, even in width: for example, we start to see refrigerators for furniture of 75 cm.

3 Unfortunately, in recent years we have seen less and less people able to understand the furniture, its “soul” and its use. We see appliances completely different from the reality and needs of our time. They seem to be designed by people who do not put their noses out of their technical studies.  Fortunately, there are some companies, like ours, that make design combined with practicality their reason for being, combining vision and mission in dedicated projects that, launched on the market, obtain great successes. If I had to summarize all this, I would say that the factor that allows integration is only one: good taste.


Alberto Illotti, owner of Ilve

1 This is a trend that during the latest years has seen the appliance “disappear” in furniture. It is dictated by a choice of minimalist taste, usually associated with a return of the white/gray/black colors that a few years ago had disappeared from the ranges of household appliances, supplanted by the stainless aesthetics, and that today are in vogue. These trends, we have seen, are cyclical and last a few years. Personally I think that the appliance, being the functional part of the kitchen, must be positioned so that it is easy to use and has no limitations in performing its functions. I’ll give an example: flush top built-in hobs have limited burner powers as they heat a lot.

2 For what concerns us, our flagship products are the “cooking blocks” of a professional type, thought however for the home, and I must say that often the design of the kitchen starts just from the cooking block that becomes the qualifying element of the kitchen itself. The appliance (in particular when we speak of cooking) is in fact the part that most characterizes the kitchen. Ilve is used to selling “big” products; the appliances we sell the most are of 90, 100 and even 120 cm with two or three ovens. Kitchen, however, even if the spaces are reduced, becomes more and more a protagonist because the wall between kitchen and living room is often broken down to obtain an environment where is possible stay all together. In addition, the tendency is to see the size of the appliances grow but, above all, to see the number of the same increase, perhaps including a steam oven, a blast chiller or the vacuum machine of which they speak so often in the “star” kitchens.

3 Without doubt, colors, materials and finishes (handles and knobs). Also the measures are important as finally the integrated installation (for example the “flush top” hobs mentioned above). But be careful to “hide” the appliance completely, the risk is to make the kitchen a walk-in closet…

Ilve Modular Techno Metro is a kitchen environment furnished with furniture and appliances in AISI 304 steel. The Quadra Modular island presents: professional cooking group, fry top plate (8 mm thick), double oven (90 – 60 cm) and stainless steel sink welded in a single top of dimensions of 150×158 cm.

Officine Gullo

Manfredi Conforzi, designer and sales manager for the London branch of Officine Gullo

1 It is a trend that certainly has an important relevance because the style of a kitchen acquires greater identity when the appliances are well integrated into the environment, making it perfectly homogeneous. Moreover, for a better optimization of the spaces, the furniture is custom-designed on the basis not only of the dimensions but also according to the various appliances.

2 Absolutely yes. Technology is constantly changing and brings changes in the way to design the kitchen space. Increased attention is given to the cooking tools, both in terms of appliances number and type and of their size. It is inevitable that the distribution of spaces changes but not only: the choice of materials also changes, that sometimes must be suitable to support even non-usual temperatures.

3   Making a comparison between a kitchen and a car, we can say that the dashboard of a car masks the internal technology giving an aesthetic perfectly integrated with the bodywork. In the design of a kitchen we see more or less a similar process: household appliances are placed in specifically designed spaces and then uniformed to the environment through the use of aesthetic elements, such as masks or colors, where any detail, perfectly cared, completes and uniforms the entire kitchen space in an excellent way. Exactly like the chrome details of a vintage car.

The Silver Gray project by Officine Gullo stands out for its attention to detail. Among the many features, it offers a cooking block equipped with high-performance burners, pasta cooker, coup de feu and fry top. Furthermore, the project includes a fitted wall, two columns and two parallel islands.


Giacomo Fava, designer & art director for Sirius

1 We are not very interested in trends or fashions, so I cannot answer. Instead, we are interested in creating products that last over time and that use technology, not for mere marketing purposes, but to improve people’s lives. We follow with great interest the developments that are taking place in recent years in the Information Technology field, above all regarding the artificial intelligence subject. We are aware that in the near future such progress will radically modify the man-appliance relationship and consequently the relationship between man and kitchen space.

2 As mentioned before, the traditional kitchen environment will no longer exist. There will be a changing space that will transform according to the needs of those who live there. Not just the kitchen, but the whole house will be a hybrid space in which functions mix and overlap.

3 More than of integration between household appliances and kitchen furniture, I would speak of a relationship man-appliance-kitchen space. In the future, as already happens in some sectors, it will be possible to communicate with the kitchen equipment and monitor them from outside too. In a less near future, home appliances will be able to make autonomous choices, minimizing the human intervention. I like, therefore, to think of the kitchen of tomorrow not as a minimalist environment with furniture that hide appliances, but as a container of technology at the service of man.

In Chandelier hood by Sirius, the aspiration system (only 20 cm high) is built-in the false ceiling and has a brushless motor that allows a powerful and silent aspiration. In addition, the ring with LEDs and a high efficiency opal diffuser allows uniform light distribution


Paola Gasparini, managing director and marketing director of Smalvic

1 It is a trend that will develop further, especially in the high-end range. Here design and technology are the password, and designing the kitchen and living space as a unicum is one of the cornerstones of design. To integrate into the cooking space means, from my point of view, to make the elements coexist in an intelligent way, not necessarily to hide, thus seeking innovative solutions.  Even in the “normal” kitchen the trend is a design that aims to integrate: not devoted to aesthetics in the absolute sense, but looking for practical solutions, easy in every sense.

2 The “non-traditional” dimensions of ovens and hobs have always been in the heart of Smalvic: we have in the catalog since an immemorial time the 90 cm ovens, but also the 45 or 36 cm ones, and for the hobs … we really have all measures! Also for free-standing cookers, our Less kitchen block is produced in 3 sizes: 90, 120 and 150 cm. Our company has chosen to have a wide range of measures and solutions (think for example of the a gas oven) to be competitive in international markets. In Italy the new “out-of-size” measures are also the result of the trend that sees the cooking area and the cooking activity itself as the beating heart of the home and that makes the kitchen the place of the aggregation for excellence.

3 The aesthetic component is very important, but we must not forget some more technical aspects such as the compatibility of the used materials and the measures. The insertion of the appliance must be done in a rational way, taking into account the needs of the built-in and so correct distances, spaces for venting, materials able of supporting a functional combination… for us, integration into the kitchen is not just a furnishing trend.

“In Linear” by Smalvic represents a 360° integration of cooking functions with other needs of contemporary kitchen. The basic combination provides a double column composed of a 60 cm oven flanked by a compact oven (or another household appliance), with underneath the warming drawer or objects box.


Samuel Mighali, manufacturers OEM manager of Zepa-Teka Group

1 We at Zepa- Teka Group believe that the trend will be directed towards increasingly functional and modular areas, with specialized blocks for cooking, storage and washing. The basic purpose is obviously to pursue the stylistic rigor of the whole. This belief is confirmed by what emerged at the Salone del Mobile 2018 or at IFA in Berlin, where the main drivers were the prestigious materials, the personalization of the spaces and the combination of living and kitchen in general. The classic subdivision of base/hanging furniture has thus been overcome to reach equipped areas, hidden by retractable doors or even integrated into monolithic blocks. And in all this, home appliances become protagonists of furnishing.

2 Undoubtedly. The not “traditional” dimensions first had an impact on the height of kitchen cupboards and worktops. In fact, the traditional depth of the 60 cm bases has reached greater and more ergonomic measurements, and this has happened for a simple reason: increasing the depth of the bases means lowering the wall units that so take on a much more functional position. In addition, the depth of 80 cm allows greater visibility on the work surface and offers the possibility of cooking in a more open space, eliminating the sense of constraint and increasing the freedom of movement. For these reasons, the home appliances world has embraced this new stylistic and functional trend with the creation of larger products than the classic 60×60 cm: just think that the Zepa turnover related to the aforementioned models is constantly increasing by 20%.

3 First of all, we are looking at a transformation of the kitchen that is no longer, as in the past, the place around which the family reunites; in fact nowadays the kitchen is furnished according to the ritual taste of the visit and no longer of the affections. Just like in fashion, there is the search of a total look for the kitchen and for the home, and we start talking about total living. In my opinion, therefore, given this stylistic/functional trend, attention to detail and attention to high quality are very important integrating factors in the creation of a homogeneous environment, as well as the uniformity of style and design.

The Blend Line of Zepa combines gas and induction technology. These products are characterized by several pluses: touch controls combined with front knobs, automatic ignition, timer, Auto Lock security device and residual heat indicator.

Blend Line by Zepa

The Blend model of Zepa combines gas and induction technology. Other product plusses are: touch controls combined with front knobs, automatic ignition, timer, Auto Lock security device and residual heat indicator! #staytuned #zepa #iitaliandesign

Posted by Zepa Spa on Saturday, July 28, 2018



L'articolo Trends of integration in the kitchen sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

(c) Photobankch | Dreamstime.com "In Linear" by Smalvic represents a 360° integration of cooking functions with other needs of contemporary kitchen. The basic combination provides a double column composed of a 60 cm oven flanked by a compact oven (or another household appliance), with underneath the warming drawer or objects box.
A specialist for the kitchen https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2019/03/15/a-specialist-for-the-kitchen/ https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2019/03/15/a-specialist-for-the-kitchen/#comments Fri, 15 Mar 2019 06:00:04 +0000 https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=10687
Innovation, design and energy efficiency are the strengths of Teka’s appliances. Among the most advanced models there are the iKnob induction hob and the iOVEN product. by Elena Corti Teka is an international reality: it is currently present in more than 115 countries and has more than 100 million customers around the world. The Group […]

L'articolo A specialist for the kitchen sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


Innovation, design and energy efficiency are the strengths of Teka’s appliances. Among the most advanced models there are the iKnob induction hob and the iOVEN product.

by Elena Corti

Teka is an international reality: it is currently present in more than 115 countries and has more than 100 million customers around the world. The Group has 15 factories in Europe, Asia and America. It is a specialist brand in integral services for the kitchen, such as worktops, ovens, sinks, dishwashers, refrigerators, microwaves and hoods. In addition, it manufactures and markets all bathroom solutions, including faucets for both bathroom and kitchen. Francisco López, Marketing Manager at Teka, tell us the main peculiarities and pluses of the company’s products.

Francisco López, Marketing Manager at Teka

What are the strengths of Teka’s home appliances?
The firm always seeks to meet the needs of consumers. For this reason, it produces household appliances with a positive energy rating, in order to achieve energy savings on a daily basis. The strengths of Teka products are based on innovation, originality and an essential design that does not go out of fashion and adapts to new times. In the case of Spain, the fact that a Teka product is installed in our users’ kitchens is mainly due to the good quality-price ratio that our appliances offer, while offering maximum efficiency and performance. The confidence shown by consumers causes Teka to have a strong responsibility and commitment to continue improving our products.

Which are the most innovative Teka products?
First of all, the iKnob, the worktop with intelligent induction. This appliance is presented as the most advanced induction and with a level of precision never known before. The main feature of the iKnob induction hob is its high-precision magnetic control that combines design and innovation. It not only selects the power of each zone or cooking time, but is a fully removable control that when removed locks the control panel for maximum safety. In addition, the worktop also has an invisible control panel and its red and blue colors differentiate cooking times and temperature.
Another Teka’s innovative product is iOVEN. It is an oven with a 5″ true colour TFT screen, a novelty that brings elegance and design to the appliance, and that allows the user to manage the functions of the appliance as if it had an integrated tablet. In addition, it comes with the DualClean system, a versatile cleaning system that combines two types of cleaning (Hydroclean and Pyrolysis), allowing the user to choose between steam cleaning or deeper cleaning at different temperatures. It also has a Multicook tray to steam in a healthier way.

Is design important for a Teka home appliance?
Design is essential in the creation of all our electrical appliances. We always try to take care of all aspects so that our consumers are satisfied. In Teka we create products with an elegant design, and with different shapes so that there is an ideal appliance for each kitchen. Nowadays the consumer is looking for straight and pure lines, which provide more space and allow a common aesthetic in the design of the kitchen, by integrating the furniture in a better way. The elements that stand out the most in the design are: integration of the kitchen in the atmosphere of the home, usability and the possibility of doing it in a tactile way, and contemporary design that doesn’t go out of style.

What are your most efficient appliances in terms of energy saving?
One of Teka’s most efficient products is the Quadro DLV 998 extractor hood, characterised by the energy efficiency and minimal noise. The appliance has the highest energy efficiency rating (A++) and saves 50% more energy than class A hoods. With respect to the extractors of the class D it is obtained a 75% of saving. Other examples could also be the A+ Ovens, which allow savings up to 20% on the electricity bill, and the Perfecta hood that has obtained the A class on the energy label for the four variables: energy efficiency, dynamic fluo, lighting on and grease filtering. It guarantees the perfect balance thanks to its twelve-layer filter that absorbs 98% of the grease.

What do you think about the smart home?
I believe that the intelligence of household appliances makes life easier for consumers. Technology at home speeds up functions such as cooking, washing dishes or drying clothes. Each of these tasks took a long time a couple of decades ago, but now machines help us in the day-to-day by minimizing the time spent on those tasks, and allowing users to devote time to what they really want. That’s why Küppersbusch (a brand of the Group) has created the new K Connect in this market that is beginning to evolve. However, we think that our customers are more passionate and traditional, they like to live experiences in the kitchen using old recipes and remembering good times.

In your opinion, what distinguishes a quality home appliance?
From my point of view, the quality of an appliance encompasses several aspects. Among the others, the most important are: the design that predominates over fashion, creating products that do not go out of fashion, with the highest quality, good usability and small details that are what make the difference in a good product.

The Italian company Zepa is part of Teka Group: is there a collaboration between Teka and Zepa?
Yes, we have been working with them for over a decade and our experience is very positive. We have been delighted with this company since we started the collaboration in 2004 and acquired the firm in 2014.

Is Zepa’s know-how an added value for Teka?
Zepa, our company Teka in Italy, is the competence centre of Gas for kitchens, globally responsible for the production plants for Asia and America. For Teka, Zepa is an added value because it brings us innovation, quality in design and usability. Zepa is part of Teka and share the same vision to satisfy consumers: for both brands, cooking should be a pleasure, not a mere functional action. To do this, they develop products that are easier to use, easier to clean and easier to install. The R&D for gas cooktops focuses on design, innovation and efficiency.

More than 90 years of history
• Teka foundation: 1924
• Teka factories in the world: 15, distributed on 3 continents
• Markets in which Teka is present: over 100 countries
• Teka home appliances: ovens, hobs, hoods, microwaves, compact ovens/steamers, dishwashers, water heaters, coffee machines, vacuum sealers, plate warmers, laundry products etc.
The iKnob induction hob has a high-precision magnetic control



The iOVEN is equipped with DualClean system that combines two types of cleaning: Hydroclean and Pyrolysis


L'articolo A specialist for the kitchen sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2019/03/15/a-specialist-for-the-kitchen/feed/ 1 Home Appliances World Francisco López, Marketing Manager at Teka
Details that make the difference https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2018/09/18/details-that-make-the-difference/ Tue, 18 Sep 2018 05:15:38 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=10091
Material combinations to communicate the brand identity, thin light lines to enhance or distinguish the surfaces, aesthetic-functional elements able to simplify the use of the product. In the kitchen, as well as in the other rooms of the house, appliances rely on design, on its ability of modulating even smaller components to stand out on […]

L'articolo Details that make the difference sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


Material combinations to communicate the brand identity, thin light lines to enhance or distinguish the surfaces, aesthetic-functional elements able to simplify the use of the product. In the kitchen, as well as in the other rooms of the house, appliances rely on design, on its ability of modulating even smaller components to stand out on the global market.

by Eliviro Di Meo

Matrix is the cooking monoblock realized by Glem Gas, designed by Marcello Cutino, founder of BCF Image and Design

Kitchen appliances are not all the same. Beyond the technologies, now widespread, that have become heritage of most companies, it is design to provide the added value, able to differentiate the product from the solutions proposed by the main competitors. Not only the project as a compositional whole, but also the attention to detail plays a fundamental role for the recognition of the brand and for its positioning on the international markets. An ergonomic handle, equipped with touch controls, or a smart knob marked by the ring nut containing the LEDs are elements that give character and functionality, contributing to the formal image of the product.
Kitchen hoods as pieces of furniture

Spazio hood by Falmec designed by Francesco Lucchese
Any detail becomes a function in the new Falmec hood, designed by Francesco Lucchese to furnish the kitchen in a unique and personal way. Spazio is a system that amplifies the characteristics of the traditional suspended appliance. Its versatility is a strength achieved by increasing the ability to hold tools and objects, distributed on different levels. If the aromatic plants – a small home garden supplied by the company – have a particular aesthetic value, offering a real interaction with the ingredients necessary for good food, the activities on the work surface are facilitated by a steel line where hanging accessories and a wide LED surface.
Spazio by Falmec
Hooks, shelves, electrical outlets and USB ports capable of charging electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones or MP3 players, are not or only the signs and the characterizing features, but also the choice of a careful engineering research aimed to increase the usability of the product both vertically and horizontally.

Hive, the iconic suspended hood designed by Giacomo Fava for Sirius
The beauty of Hive – the iconic suspended hood designed by Giacomo Fava, designer and creative director of Sirius – is the result of the elegant ceramic dome, entirely handmade by master craftsmen of the Umbrian town Deruta, and of a sheet of steel obtained through numerical control machinery, with a luminous circle as frame. «The dome – explains the architect Fava – represents the heart of creativity, the logos instead is entrusted to the design of the filter, whose particular pattern of the perforation wishes to express the cathartic function of the product in its mission to purify the air. This important functionality is conceptually enhanced by a crown of LEDs able to illuminate the surrounding environment». Unlike the appliances of the same type, often confused as chandeliers, the originality of Hive lies precisely in the peculiarity of the filter, which reinforces «the formal will to highlight the main function of the object». The drawing, besides being replicated in other hoods, has also been used for graphic projects, thus becoming from simple detail to main element for the brand communication.

Wall-mounted Frame hood by Best
It is minimalist design, intended as a search for the essence of the project itself, to provide the paradigm for understanding the philosophy that is often the basis of an industrial product. In the case of the recent wall-mounted hood conceived by Best, the culture of essentiality is inspired by a simple and linear composition, similar to a contemporary painting where the geometry of the figures emerges from the homogeneity of the background. Frame, with its suggestive black painted finish and with the pewter effect frame – refined compositional detail -, opens a window on the hob, sucking, silently (48-62 dB) and in a short time, fumes and smells.

Onyx-C (Ceiling) model of the Still Line hoods collection by Faber, signed by Angeletti Ruzza Design
The shape is not only a container and does not represent the ephemeral run of the designer towards the beauty of the created object. It is communication, in the sense that it communicates, through its chromatic pallet and the material component – both declined in various details – the value that the project conceals. An example? The collection of Still Line hoods by Faber, composed of three different models (ceiling, vertical and inverted T), designed by Angeletti Ruzza Design, characterized by a single fil rouge: the elegant black glass panel combined with a strong steel body. The juxtaposition of the surfaces is underlined by a thin LED light with a reduced power consumption. A solution chosen by Faber to light the hob, paying great attention to the environment. The two designers, Silvana Angeletti and Daniele Ruzza, use the sturdy metallic structure to highlight, in a sort of symbolic recall, the solidity of the technology and the innovative content of this appliance. Still Line also reflects the continuous stylistsic research of the company, represented by definite and minimal lines, which hide avant-garde solutions, expressing the reliability and safety of the products. To complete the whole, the squarcle commands. Modern and functional, they add a touch of class to the collection.

The material versatility and the wide chromatic choice are the identity character of Pura: one of the top products of Fabita range, born from the pencil of Adriano Design and already winner of the 2015 IF Product Design Award. The simplicity of the lines draws a cube with harmonious fittings, concealing performance of very high level and evoking the right mix of style and modernity, through the combination of materials and shapes. The modular construction system, composed of nodes, rods and panels, allow this hood to be a custom object, tailored made, in order to fit to any environment. The glass, aesthetic and colorful – but it is also possible to choose wood or porcelain stoneware finishes -, is available in several variants: from classic black and white to stronger colors, such as red and orange, up to surprising nuance as yellow or lime green. The aluminum profile is combined with glass, also proposed in different colors. The final result is a distinctive product, where the attention to detail and the reliability of the brand are masterfully combined.

Clean lines for the new generation of ovens

NEXT 60 oven by Smalvic has touch controls positioned directly on the ergonomic handle. brogliatotraverso design studio. Photo Riccardo Urnato.
NEXT 60 Smalvic flagship product, is the elegant oven with XXL internal cavity of 74 liters, smoked tempered glass door, activated by touch controls positioned directly on the ergonomic handle. The original design of the latter – a stylized “S” that reminds the “S” of the brand -, made of satin steel, in fact, contains the capacitive intelligence that allows the activation of the appliance, touching intuitive icons that regulate cooking functions and times. The display on the top allows the perfect visualization of operations, in an oven unique on the market for features and research of innovation. NEXT, designed by brogliatotraverso design studio – the atelier headed by the designers from Vicenza Alberto Brogliato and Federico Traverso – was awarded with the 2017 Good Design Award: award annually assigned by the Chicago Athenaeum, Museum of Architecture and Design, in collaboration with The European Center for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies. Besides the functionality, this built-in appliance stands out precisely for its rigorous and essential project. A distillate of pure elegance, perfectly able to transmit the values of Made in Italy, an excellent expression of style and technology.
(credits B-movie production)

Pizza oven (FCLPO 6215 P TM BK) realized by Fulgor Milano and designed by the Belgian architect Alfred Hendricx
The essentiality of the sign and the refined compositional balance can also be found in the pizza oven (FCLPO 6215 P TM BK) realized by Fulgor Milano. Designed by the Belgian architect Alfred Hendricx, the model is part of the new Cluster Concept series, where the hug of the obsidian black glass with steel suggests the preciousness of a jewel, which emerges from the fusion of volcanic power and the strength of metal. The last born model in the Fulgor house features many pluses. To the structural changes from a technological point of view, such as the increasing cooking functions, become 15, including the system for cooking 2 pizzas simultaneously at 350° C in only 2 minutes and 45 seconds, the restyling of some external components has been added. New, in fact, is the concept of steel handle. Smaller compared to the previous versions, it aligns at the command dashboard, as they want the latest trends. The two lateral slots invite the eye to focus on the center; towards the display – true operative hub of the oven – where the functions are activated, recalled by iconic symbols.

The new era of the freestanding kitchens

Model OGS 168 Ultraviolet by Officine Gullo
More than an industrial object, the kitchen designed by Officine Gullo is a mix of refined details that determine, in some respects, the uniqueness of the product: synthesis of retro taste and contemporary spirit. It is the meeting between the high craftsmanship, strictly Made in Florence, and the most modern technology that provides tailor-made solutions, equipped with the most sophisticated cooking systems. Everything is completely customizable: the composition of the appliances, the shapes, colors and finishes. This is how exclusive furnishing elements are created, conceived to interpret the wishes and habits of buyers. Every detail, even the height of the hobs, is calibrated according to the customer requirements. Starting from the choice of materials: the noblest, such as thick stainless steel, burnished copper, cast iron and forged metal, to arrive then to the advanced technology that characterizes, however, the wide range of professional cooking accessories. The creations of Officine Gullo are comparable to the charm and the performance of a sporty car: a prestigious body that supports an engine with unique performance.

Panoramagic, the recent line of cooking blocks signed by Ilve
Different in style and design approach, but certainly not in quality, is Panoramagic, the latest range cookers by Ilve. It is the arrival of a wide restructuring program of the company that, for about a year, has review its strategy to give greater emphasis to its historicity in the world of kitchens. Designed by Emo Design – the studio founded by Lukasz Bertoli and Carlo Ciciliot – the project originates from a successful Ilve product of the Seventies: the Panoramagic monoblock, whose name was also adopted. To optimally adapt the facing of the models to contemporary declinations, classic and country, it was necessary to define the architecture of the product with the chameleonic characteristics. This was made possible by directing the design approach not so much on the coating elements as on the need to characterize the general architecture. Dressed in a way or another, this had to be not only recognizable, but also able to marry with the different dresses proposed by the brand. Panoramagic, winner of the Good Design Award, has the front with inclined shape to offer greater functionality. To make the brand even more distinguishable, aesthetic-functional details have been introduced, incorporating the distinctive element of the company logo. The hexagon is, in fact, proposed in the grills of the hob and in the gas control knobs. The LED lights, contained in plastic rings placed between the controls and the steel front, are useful, finally, as feedback to verify the ignition and operation of the appliance, while the lighting of the entire block serves as an ambient light.

The new Bompani cooker, finished in corten like the combined hood
The freestanding kitchen of Bompani, finished in corten like the combined hood, has all the charm of the past and the intimacy of the domestic environment. The old style taste, however, does not leave room for the rhetoric of imitation, re-proposing models with limited performances. The opposite is true, instead. The sophisticated design of this kitchen, equipped with comfortable soft knobs and robust cast iron grids, stands out for the efficiency of the results and for the large space destined to the steel worktop, equipped with 5 gas burners with powerful central triple crown. The electric multifunction oven with 7 functions has been designed for a more uniform distribution of heat, able to ensure a multilevel cooking and a high performance level.

Matrix is the cooking monoblock realized by Glem Gas, designed by Marcello Cutino, founder of BCF Image and Design
Matrix is the freestanding kitchen created by Glem Gas and designed by the designer Marcello Cutino, founder of BCF Immagine e Design. His project immediately shows, without unnecessary decorative tinsel, the advantages offered by this innovative appliance. Hence the choice oriented towards a rational design, which we could define as honest, given the conceptual value that underlies it. «It is rare, speaking of design, to use the word “honest”; usually we hear about a brilliant, characterful, functional, vintage design ». Honest – the designer explains – is a sincere design. The object or the furnishing accessory is coherent with what is expected through its appearance and its performance, its being does not betray false expectations». Matrix best represents the design philosophy and the company mood. Philosophy that translates into the simplification of the product and ease of use. In this kitchen, the control panel uses a new concept for the knobs, intended to communicate a clear image of the functions. The handle to open the oven completely follows the profile of the control panel. The visual and tactile value of the handle is improved thanks to the anodized aluminum finish. The mirrored surface of the door reveals the capacity of the oven cavity, offering a clean and integrated appearance of the kitchen as a whole.

The PROF366GASXT freestanding kitchen of the Professional Series by Bertazzoni, designed by Valerio Cometti+V12Design
Another success is added to the history and tradition of Bertazzoni. The PROF366GASXT freestanding kitchen of the Professional Series, in red variation, was awarded with the Red Dot in the category Red Dot Award: Product Design 2018. The appliance, designed by Valerio Cometti+V12Design, combines the best engineering functionality with beauty of the typical Italian design, represented in this product by elegant knobs, ergonomically shaped handles and sophisticated finishes. These iconic elements merge the design language with an innovative approach to functions, supported by a deep technical knowledge. The monoblock contains everything a kitchen lover could desire: 6 gas burners and 2 side woks, brass burners and an optional cast iron plate. The gas oven has an extra-large cavity with 7 cooking levels, telescopic guides, oven door with triple internal glass and soft-close system. The bright red color gives personality to the environment. In the Professional range, hi-gloss color finishes are inspired by the impeccable painting of powerful racing cars.

Simplicity of use and functionality

Flip-up hob designed by Domenico Moretto for Alpex Inox
The solutions of Alpes Inox are designed for the top of the kitchen. Their vertical position allows the use of the space below, once finished cooking. The flip-up hobs can be gas or electric with induction, from 2 to 6 burners. They do not require the built-in hole, but only a small opening to guarantee the passage of the electro-gas connection and the fixing of the rear bracket/hinge. Among the projects awarded in more than sixty years life of the Compasso d’Oro, there is also the overturnable hob, designed by Domenico Moretto, which became part of the Historical Collection of the Compasso d’Oro ADI Award. According with the jury, the project of Moretto «with materials and upgraded technologies, represents the classic principle of design task of facilitating lives of those who use the objects: the simplicity of cleaning (even in the dishwasher) of the grids-burners complex and the overturning on the worktop of the entire appliance realize, without renouncing a typically traditional approach, new qualities in terms of space saving, domestic hygiene and ease of use.»

The new I-KNOB induction hobs by Zepa
Zepa and Teka Group surprise once again with highly qualified proposals. The new induction hobs I-KNOB are designed to appreciate the ease of use and the intelligent innovation. Practicality, minimum energy consumption, easy maintenance: these are some of the more interesting peculiarities of this product. Its removable magnetic knob, characterized by a LED ring, is the most significant detail. It gives personality to the product becoming its distinctive element. It features, above all, an important level of precision that controls every function. When it is removed, it blocks the hob, making less difficult to clean it.

Induction hobs with integrated hood

Milano Air: the evolved induction hob of Foster
The ideal combination of a performant hob with a powerful hood. This is the DNA of Foster Milano Air: the advanced induction hob, perfectly coplanar also in the suction area, equipped with a double 7.3 kW Brige area and ample space generated by the design of the suction grid. This helps to expand the worktop, also optimized by commands compact area, so that pots can slide in absolute security. And it is precisely the ergonomic shape of the grid that facilitates the access to the filters and the collecting tank for cleaning operations. The geometry of the hood ensures abundant capacity in the shelf below, with the possibility of using two deep drawers. The minimalist design is shown by little signs, skinny and essential, that define the composition of the appliance developed and produced by Foster. The chamfering with which the glass is worked on the perimeter profile make the hob precious, ensuring, at the same time, a slight difference in height with the kitchen top both with top-mount installation and in the cabinet. The suction grid, finally, reminds the lines of the sink drain grid always belonging to Foster Milano collection, so creating an harmonious and balanced combination.

The name says everything. It synthesizes, in a single word, the concept and the language of the object. Diamond, the hob with integrated hood realized by Baraldi Cappe, reminds the quality of the most valuable natural stone: the purity, the solidity, the resistance that does not decrease over time. The project is the culmination of a challenge within the company, undertaken by the design and product development team, coordinated by engineers Fabio Cremona and Andrea De Marchi. This appliance is the only one of its kind that provides the possibility of being inspected inside it. It is enough to open the upper part that is hinged to the lower structure through a patented mechanism. With a natural gesture, without tools and without disassembling any elements, users can reach the heart of the product to perform for normal cleaning operations, to then reclose it with extreme ease. At an aesthetic-functional level, two vertical cuts in the glass give life to a linear shape, absolutely free of unnecessary tinsels, accelerating air up to 11 m/s for an effective suction. The same cuts become grip elements for the hands that, once inserted, lift the ceramic glass of the hob.

NikolaTesla Switch by Elica, created by Fabrizio Crisà
NikolaTesla Switch, awarded with the Compasso D’Oro ADI for the 2018 edition, is the latest induction hob with integrated suction system by Elica, created by Fabrizio Crisà to revolutionize the daily cooking experience and reverse the point of view of the kitchen. Induction and suction are combined in a single appliance, where the search for balance and extreme attention to detail, combined with innovative features and unique performance, represent the ultimate expression of technology and design. Cooking coexists with the suction power on a large ceramic glass platform, in which no element prevails over the other. Everything is concealed, becoming be-dimensional. And it is the graphic sign that determines the harmony of the compositional whole. «The stroke, the lines and the shape – Fabrizio Crisà explains – are conducted to the minimum, almost in search of a denial of the design, to obtain an essential element». At the center of the top, a ring with a cast iron effect and a glass circle, completely flush surface, hide the integrated hood. By rotating this circular element, the NikolaTesla Switch suction is activated and through the innovative flap releases all its power for a total control of the air. Not only. «The experience of using [the appliance] – the designer says – is given by a direct relationship with the hob, a relationship that has some physicality. The user interacts with the flap, adjusting the functionality at all times and, consequently, modifying its aesthetics», which is reflected in the overall appearance of the product. The controls interface is intuitive and simple to use. Thanks to the fifth direct slider, is totally invisible in the stand-by mode, helping to make NikolaTesla Switch extremely clean in terms of formal beauty.

Bora Professional hob with integrated suction system
The minimalist aesthetic is the distinctive feature also of another international brand, BORA: the company that wrote the history of the induction hobs with integrated suction system. The attractive language, composed by clear visual lines – typical of the design culture of the brand – and the maximum of the cooking hobs guarantee the widest flexibility in the design of the kitchen. The modular ones of the BORA Professional line are among the deepest available on the market, with enough space for two large pots, arranged one behind the other. The smart control knob allows to manage several function programs with one hand, up to the temperature indicator. At the same time, the knob provides indications on the functioning of the appliance for immediate control of it. The hob and the integrated hood communicate with each other in an intelligent way. This means comfort, obtained by simply pressing a button, and automatically efficient performance. BORA Professional has received four coveted awards in just a few months after its presentation. From the Red Dot Award: Best of the Best 2017 to the Plus X Award as the best product of the year 2017 for innovation, up to the Good Design Award 2017 and the German Design Award 2018.

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Design, advanced technologies and efficiency are firmly intertwined in the cooking products realized by the Made-in-Italy companies: it is a trinomial that was very evident also among the novelties presented at the latest edition of Eurocucina by Elena Corti Technological innovation and attention to aesthetics are the two sides of the same coin in the […]

L'articolo Quality not only aesthetics sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


Design, advanced technologies and efficiency are firmly intertwined in the cooking products realized by the Made-in-Italy companies: it is a trinomial that was very evident also among the novelties presented at the latest edition of Eurocucina

Cast iron grids, 5 burners with triple central crown, multifunction oven with 7 cooking programs and Easy-to-clean enamelled cavity are some of the features that ensure high performance to Bompani’s Belle Epoque cooker. Moreover, the product has a 4 cm thick stainless steel hob and a matte enamelled finish in anthracite black with chrome knobs and handle

by Elena Corti

Technological innovation and attention to aesthetics are the two sides of the same coin in the cooking products offered by the Made-in-Italy companies. The two aspects are combined to achieve maximum level of functionality and stylistic refinement. «Technology and design – Lorenzo Poser, Sales and Marketing Director of Falmec, underlines – are often linked, influencing each other and opening new stylistic possibilities. Circle.Tech, for example, is a revolutionary technology that, thanks to the horizontal use of the space, has allowed us to create new design solutions in the kitchen». Made-in-Italy products are frequently known for their innovations in shape and in aesthetic proposals, but they also feature the latest generation functions to guarantee the effectiveness of performance.

Cast iron grids, 5 burners with triple central crown, multifunction oven with 7 cooking programs and Easy-to-clean enamelled cavity are some of the features that ensure high performance to Bompani’s Belle Epoque cooker. Moreover, the product has a 4 cm thick stainless steel hob and a matte enamelled finish in anthracite black with chrome knobs and handle

«Bompani – declares in this regard Enrico Vento, CEO and President of the company headquartered in Modena – differs from other brands for the wideness and originality of the range of colors and shapes of its products, all rigorously Made-in-Italy. In each product category, whether it is Free-standing or Built-in cooking, Cooling or Washing, our finishes range from the professional stainless steel to the colored crystal, from the glossy painting on metal in all possible colors to material solutions such as the Cor-ten finish used in the latest kitchen presented in the Italian Style Concept area at Cersaie 2017. But there is no lack of cutting-edge contents in these design objects, such as simple and intuitive electronic controls in built-in ovens and free-standing cookers. With regard to smart technologies, Bompani intends to move as much as possible the intelligence of the home automation system to smartphones and tablets, creating a system that has both more premium intelligent components – such as the induction hob with TFT touch controls – and, above all, integrated and add-on solutions that make the eco-system relatively cheap and integrable with more open and widespread solutions of virtual assistants, such as Google Home or Amazon Alexa. The first step will be the launch on the market – within the end of the year – of the new models of induction hob with TFT touch that will control the kitchen hood and will be monitored by a special App for smartphones and tablets.»
The combination of aesthetic refinement and technological innovation is also a determining factor in the choice of purchase, because from the Made-in-Italy product the end user expects not only beauty but also quality. «Shape and technology – they explain from the Marketing Department of Fulgor Milano – are intimately connected each other in the choices of the users, so they turn out to be two sides of the same proposal, which must be explicitly integrated in the design of products thus creating the personality of any single device that we realize, dedicating them to the different desires of the world markets, with a glocal vision, unique but flexible, pursuing the knowledge of the single aspects of daily life and of the many cultures in the kitchen.»

The Cluster Concept of Fulgor Milano is characterized by the all black aesthetics: it is a range of cooking premium appliances with integrated products such as blast chiller, wine cellar, coffee machine, hood, microwave oven, vacuum tray and food warmer. In particular, the Cluster Concept multifunctional ovens integrate the Creative Extended (TEM) technology which optimizes the choice of functions

The strong technological component in cooking products has also made it possible to produce more and more performant and efficient appliances. «The focus of these years – Marco Guerzoni, Product Manager of Glem Gas, says – was primarily to evolve the product in terms of energy efficiency without ever compromise the performance level. In this area, technology has allowed us to reach goals previously unreachable. If we think of the shape, which in the home appliances necessarily goes hand in hand with their dimensions, in the Magnifica line the technological evolution allowed us to propose a single 140-liter cavity in a 120 cm wide cooker, guaranteeing increasingly excellent results with unchanged cooking times.»

In the Magnificent kitchen by Glem Gas, everything is conceived to offer high-end cooking performance. It has 6 burners, including 3 high efficiency double crowns with dual control, and a multi-gas oven with double turbofan and a maxi-capacity of 140 liter. These characteristics ensure a very uniform heat distribution, allowing multilevel cooking with time and energy saving

The combination between technology and design is also linked to the concepts of engineering, research & development and connectivity in view of an evolution of products that looks towards the smart home and the excellence of performance. «Every product we present on the market – Tiziana Prosperi, Technician Graphic & Design at Faber, declares – is a perfect mix of the cornerstones of the company: technology and design. The engineering of a new model is done in close synergy with the R&D department. Talìka is the optimal result of this close collaboration: the design and construction of the Nautilus engine, characterized by a very reduced thickness (only 15 cm), allowed us to create a very innovative hood, the first totally vertical, which becomes a sort of a picture above the hob. In addition, also smart technologies are very important for Faber, a company that has always made of technology a strong point. At the stylistic level, we try to emphasize this aspect by creating continuity. This is the case, for example, of J-Project, an advanced hood that, thanks to the wi-fi connection is connected to the cloud and allows to manage all the functions through its touch screen or with an App through the smartphone.»

The soft and sinuous lines of the Glow hood by Faber, designed by the architect Carlo Colombo, enclose the innovative Airlane technology. Thanks to in-depth studies of fluid dynamics, the air flow going out from the hood is concentrated inside a sort of “invisible conduit” and is then sucked by a second motor placed in the false-ceiling: the vapors are so expelled outside

«We want to exit from the kitchen – Stefano Molinelli, owner of Fabita underlines – and to create more and more a domotic house, in which hoods, hobs and other appliances will “talk” to each other, improving the quality of life. The Internet of Things, the interaction between home appliances and home, is the future. It is a technology that, although present in still marginal terms, will see an important affirmation in the coming years. If then we restrict the field to the appliances we produce, we can say that the future for the hoods aims straight to air purification and odor elimination systems. As for the hobs, however, the simplicity and immediacy of use, combined with energy savings, are already today the trends that all the biggest companies are following.»

The essential and minimalist style of Sweta makes this hood of Fabita perfect to fit in a modern kitchen environment. The contemporary design contains advanced technological functions: in fact, the appliance is equipped with TFT controls, which allow user to manage the hood in an intelligent and automatic way

The cooking appliances of latest generation have made a strong contribution to the technological development of the sector, with numerous smart and connected solutions for the remote control of household appliances, a better management of products and the possibility of exploiting the potential deriving from the Network to make the use easier and easier: all this has been possible thanks to an intense research activity carried out by the companies. «Smart technologies – says Paola Gasparini, Managing Director and Marketing Director of Smalvic – certainly represent the pushed innovation. In our company research plays a significant role, because only through a constant research, it is possible to make a serious innovation. In our product, the part dedicated to touch control is increasingly important, to reach the capacitive intelligence of the N|EX|T| oven with digital controls placed directly on the handle.»

The original design of the satin steel handle contains the capacitive intelligence that allows the activation of the N|EX|T| oven by Smalvic, designed by Brogliato Traverso design studio: by touching the icons, the cooking functions and times are set, and the display on the top of the product visualizes the operations. The 60 cm version is in A++ class and has a useful volume of 74 liters

Furthermore, innovations are often stimulated by the requirements imposed by the new regulations. «The new rules on improving energy efficiency – explains Evelyn Passanante, Head of Retail Italy of Baraldi – have led us to study shapes that maintain on the one hand all the most aesthetic appeal but that would allow the hood to have a better suction with a more advanced fluid dynamics. The latest products go towards this direction, which brings the shape closer to its maximum technical expression. From this year, then, we have introduced the technology that allows to control some hoods, as well as from the rechargeable touch remote control, also through an App for smartphones. The new electronics, with a series of advanced functions, improves performance and allows a more intuitive and intelligent use of products.»
A central point when talking about appliances for cooking is that technology, and in particular electronics, must not make the product complicated because simplicity of use is essential for consumers. «Technology is almost “hidden” in Ilve products – explains Carlo Illotti , Research & Development Manager of the company – in the sense that deliberately it is not perceived by the end user but works secretly to give superior performance and ease of use. Considering in particular the smart technologies, we are going through a continuous research and development process to introduce even more of these solutions in our appliances according to the increasingly fast and refined requests of the consumer market.»
Finally, the binomial of technology and design, in products for cooking of Made-in-Italy company, is a key element in ensuring the reliability of the appliances, as highlighted by Aldo Moretto, Managing Director of Alpes Inox: «for us the technological aspect it is important above all to guarantee the safety and durability of the product, which must work well and for a long time. Technology and design, then, must favor the ease of use. Our products are practical, performing and last for a long time: this is also possible thanks to the quality of the steel we use and the processing we do internally.»

Sophisticated and made with high quality materials, the corner sink/hob unit by Alpes Inox includes 4 gas burners, a bowl and a basin. The burners (composed of pan support, burner, flame-divider and Venturi tube), the knobs, the gas distribution tubes and the casing containing the electrical-gas system are all made of AISI 304 stainless steel with a refined silver satin finish

A further element underlined by several companies of Made-in-Italy is the need to compare with the new technologies related to the smart home, focusing attention on offering functionality that responds to real needs of the user. «Producing only high-end appliances – Giulio Contini, Export Director of Lofra, says – we use the best technologies available on the market, starting with the choice of components. We also pay attention to the electronics, because it is clear that consumer is getting used to certain technologies and in a home appliance he expects to find something similar to what he finds in a smartphone. However, given the peculiarities of cooking appliances, we believe that electronics must really be functional to the product in order to offer real added value ».

Curva CSD126MF+E/2Ci of Lofra has a contemporary and original design. The model has 7 fires, including a Dual burner and a triple crown one. The cooker also has 2 class A ovens: the largest is multifunction electric, has a volume of 95 liters and is equipped with a digital timer; the second oven is a static electric model of 30 liters. Both ovens have a rotisserie and a triple glass door

«Today, in a medium-high-end household appliance, technology and functionality are as important as design – Luciano Antonini, Managing Director of Zepa underlines, in turn -. As regards electronics in particular, it is clear that millennials, which are now becoming consumers, particularly appreciate smart-type features. However, to date the main obstacle to the diffusion of these technologies is the fact that the 99% of the installed gas product work without electronics. However, there are innovations already available: for example, we realize a gas hob with electronic controls, which could therefore integrate smart technologies. Surely there is a great interest by companies on these issues, but it is important to understand what benefits can really be offered to the consumer, satisfying real needs. The fact of being able to cook using tutorials accessible from the Net can be, for example, an interesting application».

Refined lines and black aesthetics distinguish the Diamond Line hob by Zepa, made of high temperature resistant vitroceramic. It consists of 5 burners, including a double-crown burner, and cast iron grids. It features touch controls, automatic ignition and a cast iron adapter for wok cooking. The hob is also equipped with Autolock security

Finally, Marco Guerzoni of Glem Gas highlights what, in his opinion, new technologies will bring more compared to those already in use: «technology in use until today has always been focused on the user/function interface as a support and aid to cooking, in addition to the control of the operation of the product itself. An extraordinary example are the automatic menus with relative Lcd displays or similar. With smart technologies, which are undeniably entering the homes of many people, we see a double trend being added to the current interfaces. First of all, the interconnection and the dialogue between devices, for example hoods that share the operation with the hobs. In addition to this, thanks to the IoT we have provided access to the Web: the Home network of devices that dialogue among them has opened up to the vast world of APPs and related on-line services, a land still to be explored with an immense potential but, at the same time, to understand thoroughly. Looking at the reality of our brand, the smart trend cannot be neglected, but contemporaneously we think that our offer has to maintain a strong sense of practicality and tangibility in anticipation of a normal bucking the effect that the smart technology could have. In summary smart yes, but not everywhere and not necessarily immediately.»

Combining performance, design and efficiency
For many companies of Made-in-Italy the trinomial “technology-design-efficiency” is the basis of the creation of products that must not only be beautiful, but must also be effective and designed to respect the environment. «At Faber – Tiziana Prosperi explains – we have always been convinced that energy efficiency is an important aspect in the production of an electrical appliance like the hood. For us, energy saving is an essential element that complements aesthetics and high-end performance. We have been among the first companies to make hoods in A class, thing that until recently was completely unknown in the industry. Talìka, thanks to its Nautilus engine, can be an excellent example of how Faber has succeeded in combining all these elements: a design hood that guarantees high performance and considerable energy savings.»
Smalvic also expresses a similar opinion, highlighting how the three factors are interconnected. «Energy saving, aesthetics and performance go hand in hand – explains Paola Gasparini -: one aspect does not exclude the others. The sustainability concept, intended at 360 degrees, includes a particular attention to the reduction of energy consumption; obviously every country/geographic area has its needs: exporting a lot, we know it well, starting from Italy with its stratospheric costs for energy, so these aspects are inescapable.» Italian companies are working hard on research to build appliances that offer high performance, without requiring high consumption. «Bompani – says Enrico Vento – focuses very much on environmental sustainability. In our cooking products research and experimentation to reach increasingly better energy classes do not stop to combine excellent results with the minimum energy consumption. So we continue in our path: offering customers Made-in-Italy products more and more beautiful and with more and more reduced energy consumption.»
The attention to sustainability is an element that characterizes both the products and the “style” of a company, as underlined by Lorenzo Poser of Falmec: «For us, energy saving is an important aspect as much as aesthetics and high-level performances. For this reason we have just launched a new engine called Green Tech, able to further reduce consumption and to guarantee up to the A+++ energy class. At Falmec we have always been careful to the environment that surrounds us: this is demonstrated by our commitment to create intelligent products, such as high-tech filtering solutions that contribute to maintaining an optimal thermal insulation in the homes. Also our company policy aimed to reduce waste and exploit clean resources (for example, we have two photovoltaic plants that guarantee us the energy self-sufficiency)».

Infrared Clear Touch controls
In the field of kitchen appliances, hoods are among the devices that have better merged design, technology and efficiency. This is the case for example of the Joint hood by Best that is equipped with Clear Touch Infrared controls with buttons serigraphed directly on the transparent glass: it is sufficient to tap the keys to illuminate them and control the appliance. User can manage the three speeds and the intensive mode, the timer for timed shutdown, the grease filter cleaning alarm, as well as the different functions of the product. Joint has been designed to combine advanced technologies and an essential shape, so to fit perfectly into a modern and functional kitchen. The hood is equipped with Led lighting, is in A class and has control sensors able to detect the presence of odors, gas or fumes, so lighting and automatically adjusting the appliance.

Moreover, the efficiency theme is increasingly object of interest by consumers, careful to environmental matters. «Energy efficiency – Stefano Molinelli of Fabita explains – is an important element for the modern consumer, worried about the amount of energy that is used. The energy saving and the choice of materials continue to play an important role in the sustainable kitchen.»
«Energy efficiency, in the case of cooking appliances, often goes hand in hand with performance – underlines in turn Carlo Illotti of Ilve -. However, it happens that in some cases it may be a limit to performance. Ilve prefers to make the two souls coexist: one respectful of energy saving and the another of high-performance: a skillful mix to meet the demands of a sensitive public and careful to the environmental issues.»
Evelyn Passanante of Baraldi, however, says that in her opinion, in the case of hoods, elements such as design and technological performance are still the determining factors for consumers’ purchase choice. «Since the labeling indicating the level of energy efficiency has been introduced also for hoods – Evelyn Passanante declares -, the path towards a greater sensitivity about this theme has begun, but until today it remains a marginal feature in the choice of products by consumers. Aesthetics first, and performances then are still the most felt factors in the purchase evaluation. A hood, in general, due to the fact that it is used with less continuity than other kitchen appliances, allows savings of only a few euros passing from a low to a higher energy class, perhaps for this reason we see that the direction towards energy saving has been taken, but the sensitivity towards this matters still remains limited.»
A further element to consider in the technology-design-efficiency relationship is the importance of the engineering phase. «Today we cannot consciously ignore or disregard the need to reduce global consumption of the planet – they say from the Marketing Department of Fulgor Milano -, an increasingly evident need with the growing of the world population and of private consumption generated in all continents; the savings process must be present from the beginning of the design and in defining the company’s development and manufacturing processes. Consumption must be limited without penalizing the performance of the devices, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of research applied to everyday life.» «We design our appliances to ensure high energy savings and efficiency – Giulio Contini of Lofra explains in turn-. For us it is a fundamental aspect right from the initial design phase. In different markets, the feeling towards eco-sustainability issues can change a lot: there are countries where ‘green’ technology is highly appreciated, others where the local law does not even provide for energy classes. In any case, we aim to design and build appliances that offer maximum performance with maximum energy savings.»

Ilve-Sabaf collaboration for the burners innovation
Innovation often comes from the collaboration between appliance manufacturers and component producers. This is the case of Ilve, which has started a project with Sabaf to innovate - both from an aesthetic and functional point of view - the burners that will be inserted in its cooking appliances. Sabaf has developed, tested and produced a line of completely tailor-made burners, combining classic components - such as semi-rapid, rapid and fish-type burners – with even more powerful solutions such as the Double Crown with one or two ways, in order to create a synthesis between design and quality. «We wanted to add a strong innovation to our products - Gianluigi Freschi, CEO of Ilve said - and we have identified, in the burner system, a particularly challenging theme that has thrilled us immediately; our Research and Development Center has redefined the standards and, with the fundamental contribution of the Sabaf R&D, has designed a system capable of transmitting the values for which Ilve is recognized on the market». These burners are supplied by Sabaf exclusively and by virtue of a long-term partnership.

Luciano Antonini of Zepa, moreover, emphasizes not only the need not to waste energy resources and to conceive sustainability at 360 degrees (the company uses energy produced only from renewable sources), but also the need to think about disassembling of a product starting from its design phase. «A significant part of our appliances – Antonini says – uses gas and for this reason we have always had to compare ourselves with the tests of efficiency, in order to make products that do not waste this resource. Furthermore, the topic of sustainability touches another important aspect: the disassembly of devices at the end of their life. From the design we must take care that the product can be easily dismantled so as to facilitate the recovery of materials as much as possible.»
Sustainability finally, can also be a sales driver to focus on, as pointed out by Marco Guerzoni of Glem Gas: «If we talk about EU markets, the topic of energy saving is certainly relevant. Here for a long time we have been living a double effect, mainly imposed by the push of the latest European regulations ( EcoDesign ), but also by the need, in a mature sector with surplus offer, to continuously propose new products that can, riding the trend of energy efficiency, give oxygen to positioning ‘devastated’ by the fierce competition in terms of price. The other world markets in the near future will necessarily come to the same considerations, both for normal evolutionary dynamics and/or for the expansion of an organized distribution that makes of promotional leverage a must for sale.»

L'articolo Quality not only aesthetics sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World Cast iron grids, 5 burners with triple central crown, multifunction oven with 7 cooking programs and Easy-to-clean enamelled cavity are some of the features that ensure high performance to Bompani's Belle Epoque cooker. Moreover, the product has a 4 cm thick stainless steel hob and a matte enamelled finish in anthracite black with chrome knobs and handle
The value of the Italian way of life https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2018/03/26/the-value-of-the-italian-way-of-life/ Mon, 26 Mar 2018 05:15:34 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=9356
The Italian design, in appliances for cooking, is very appreciated abroad not only for the refinement of its style, but also because it is the expression of a unique culture in the world, made of excellence, quality and innovation by Elena Corti Refinement, taste and high quality: this is Made-in-Italy, whose products reflect the culture […]

L'articolo The value of the Italian way of life sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


The Italian design, in appliances for cooking, is very appreciated abroad not only for the refinement of its style, but also because it is the expression of a unique culture in the world, made of excellence, quality and innovation

Geometric lines for enhancing a modern kitchen environment: this is Thea by Faber, available with matt white and matt dark gray finishes and characterized by a frame in oak wood or stainless steel

by Elena Corti

Refinement, taste and high quality: this is Made-in-Italy, whose products reflect the culture and lifestyle of a country where beauty is at home. But how is Italian design considered abroad, when we are speaking of home appliances for cooking, and of which values is it an expression? We asked it to some market players: the most recurring answers reveal a “know-how” that combines craftsmanship and innovation, and an aesthetic sensibility that is the result of a historical and cultural heritage of absolute uniqueness.

Materials, styles and colors: creativity takes shape
The latest trends of Made-in-Italy regarding the kitchen environment show a propensity for innovation in the choice of materials and a solid competence regarding processing, treatments and finishes. This is combined with an aesthetic sensibility and creativity that are expressed through a vast series of color and style proposals. Among the kitchen appliances that are offering the most innovative and original solutions in terms of design and functionality, there are certainly hoods. If steel still remains a great protagonist, other materials are opening interesting ways.

Tiziana Prosperi, Technician Graphic & Design at Faber
«Italian design abroad is always considered with extreme care. To presenting a Made-in-Italy product is synonymous with quality, excellence and above all attention to detail»
«Many of our products – says Tiziana Prosperi from Faber – such as T-Light, are made of stainless steel, an excellent material both from a hygienic and aesthetic point of view, because it is easy to maintain and can be combined with different types of furnishing accessories, be they in wood, lacquered or in other materials. For models that need something extra, we focus on glass, perfect for illuminating some particular shapes. We often work with materials such as polyurethane: plastic, therefore, the ideal to be modeled also on projects characterized by softer lines, and sound-absorbing, optimal for working on noise reduction and therefore on noise pollution. To accentuate the brightness of our products we choose polycarbon for its semi-transparent characteristics. In Faber the material research is very important because it allows to develop innovative projects such as K-arta, the hood created with the handmade paper by the master Sandro Tiberi, or as Thea (island and wall), new model of the Unconventional Country catalog characterized by a wooden frame. In terms of style, the next edition of Eurocucina will be the perfect opportunity to present the innovations we have introduced for vertical models and F-Light hoods. The latter will be characterized by soft lines, to give even more comfort to the kitchen environment. The vertices, instead, with a predominant technological power, are defined by more decisive lines and strong chromatic contrasts. In this regard, concerning color we often use the painted metal, in a glossy and opaque version, to give the possibility to the consumer to choose the one that best matches his kitchen environment. The strength of the finishes signed by Faber are the paintings able to guarantee particular and very requested effects such as cement or copper. We are also focusing on pastel and soft colors, and on shades that can match the kitchen tops, so as to create continuity in the environment. In our palette there is no lack of evergreen like black and white, and explicit references to the latest trends that see Matt colors as protagonists.»
The kitchen hood – explains in turn Evelyn Passanante of Baraldi – remains a home appliance in which metal is still the material of greatest use. Satin steel, sheet metal in various colors and aluminum are the bases for most of the models.
Evelyn Passanante, head of Retail Italy at Baraldi.
«In the kitchen hood design is the strongest element that characterizes the customer’s choice. Italian design remains synonymous with elegance and innovation and is certainly considered as something that we can create in a natural way»
Glass has also been very present for some time with black or white surfaces at sight or with particular effects. Moreover, for the models now on study, they starts to test new technical materials that allow greater formal freedom and new superficial effects. As for the stylistic choices, in addition to the satin stainless steel and white or black that remain the basis for the aesthetic proposal, we are going to present a new line of products where it will be possible to print some digital images on the visible surfaces that can have any coloration. Thanks to a new technology called ‘full color’ it will be possible to work the metal to be able to present it with evocative or emotional images or texturized effects. A new trend could thus be opened, which allows the offer to be expanded and the products to be customized for maximum integration with kitchens of different styles.»
In the range of hoods, innovation is combined with processes that draw from an older knowledge to give life to products of great originality, always starting from quality materials.
Lorenzo Poser, Sales and Marketing Director at Falmec
«Our designers have always promoted a conscious and innovative design culture, becoming the spokesmen of the tricolor taste in every corner of the planet. The values that distinguish our heritage are quality, refinement, innovation and tradition, all made possible by an industrial and artisan production network rooted in the territory, rich in excellence and unique in the world »
«Falmec – Lorenzo Poser declares – uses only highest quality materials, such as AISI 304 steel that is hygienic, easy to clean and very resistant to corrosion. In recent years we have experimented other materials such as copper, ceramic, cement and hand-blown glass by Venetian glassmakers masters. Materials that enhance the ingenuity and craftsmanship skills, unique in the world, rooted in the culture and history of our territory. We also propose original finishes and paintings such as pewter, brass, anthracite and much more.»
The Materia hood by Falmec stands out for its original cement finish. Inside it has a high-tech heart thanks to the Circle.Tech technology with Carbon.Zeo filters (activated carbon and zeolite). The hood received the Good Design Award
To better integrate the home appliance with the environment in which it is placed, companies offer solutions aimed to create a harmony effect among the different elements of the kitchen.
Stefano Molinelli, owner of Fabita
«Design and craftsmanship of Made-in-Italy are among the main winning cards of the industry in our country. Regarding our sector, kitchen (in the Italian conception) is the most important environment of the house, the space in which we live the family union and love for good food. Our values are based on a richness of experiences able to create products that preserve and feed this part of our culture»
«In addition to the use of steel and glass – says Stefano Molinelli of Fabita, a brand that won the iF Award 2015 for its Pura hood – we are also focusing a lot on the use of materials strictly linked to the kitchen tops (Corian, Kryon and Gres) in order to create a harmonious environment also in terms of finishes. Moreover, we are also activating a research on materials related to the nanotechnology world.»
Born from the collaboration between Adriano Design and Cinex (a Brazilian manufacturer of glass), the Pura hood by Fabita has filters positioned at 360° on the suction/filtering body for a more effective air purification. Its modular structure allows it to “dress” in different colors.
Regarding the cooking products (ovens, hob and kitchens), there is an important research in terms of materials and aesthetic proposals: from the most minimalist solutions, which mainly focus on glass and steel, to treatments with enamels and paints to get different color variations.
Paola Gasparini, Managing Director and Marketing Director of Smalvic.
«Design is surely one of the most representative flagships of our Made-in-Italy. It is not just an aesthetics matter, but rather one of the greatest expressions of our know-how culture»
«We use all the suitable materials for the construction of kitchen appliances – explains Paola Gasparini from Smalvic, a company based in the Veneto region that won the Good Design 2017 for the NEXT 60 oven, also competing for the Red Dot Design Award – : the AISI 304 stainless steel, the top of the range of steels; the tempered glass that gives brightness, shine and a sparkling effect; the porcelain enamel, that has always been produced in our company, as our name says (Smalvic stands for Smalterie Vicentine); the vitroceramic crystal, with anti-transparency treatment in Kerablack, material used for some hobs, the porcelain stoneware, a super-resistant material, composed only of natural components, to create some very colorful induction hobs. On an aesthetic level, ours is a very rigorous, clean style: the essentiality of the materials is always in the foreground, accompanied by a high level technological component that allows the everyday appliance to reach professional performance.»
The Gres Line by Smalvic includes induction hobs made of stoneware, a heat-resistant ceramic material, covered with high quality raw materials. In addition to white and anthracite gray, it is possible to have, in special production, other colors and many personalized finishes.
The extra touch of the Italian design
Great quality, a network of easily reachable competences and a solid historical-cultural base: these characteristics represent, in brief, the ‘something extra’ of the Italian design according to the BrogliatoTraverso design studio, which has a successful collaboration with Smalvic. «Italy - the designers of the studio based in Veneto explain - can boast a very high quality in terms of work processes and a high level of innovation thanks to the strong concentration of industries, laboratories and research centers that constitute a very significant network of skills. In addition, Italy has truly unique historical and cultural basis and can really be considered a homeland of design at 360 degrees, if one thinks of the large number of personalities that have distinguished themselves in areas such as cars, fashion, art, technological innovation etc. The list of what Italians have invented is huge ".
The NEXT 60 oven by Smalvic, designed by the BrogliatoTraverso design studio
The CeraBlack vitroceramic aesthetic gives the FSH 9000 ID TF BK hob by Fulgor Milano a contemporary character. Many are the advanced functions such as the assisted cooking, the keeping warm, the pot recognition sensor etc.
«In our engineering – underlines in turn the Marketing Department of Fulgor Milano, a company that has just obtained the ADA Award, assigned by Archiproducts in the Tech category for an outdoor cooking appliance – we use metals, plastics, glass, enamels and paintings, combined together to obtain applications of sets that are balanced and allow to achieve the best result to meet the trends of demand and needs that arise every day from the changes in lifestyles. From an aesthetic point of view, this year we will propose to the market colors with a strong personality such as blacks in translucent and opaque versions, as well as a reinterpretation of stainless steel for industrial use.»http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvJMOGnFd-0
Regarding the hobs, glass and vitroceramic are obtaining increasingly successful, as Luciano Antonini from Zepa highlighted.
Luciano Antonini, Managing Director of Zepa
«Abroad made in Italy is considered almost a way of life because Italy has always been considered a nation where beauty and art are at home. Those who come to us expect to find this in our appliances. For example, I remember that one of our customers in Vietnam wanted to underline that the products that he would have sold under his brand were however manufactured in Italy: this clearly shows how much Made-in-Italy is appreciated in the world»
«Compared to the past in which the demand for steel hobs was prevalent – the manager affirms – today we are recording a growing demand for both glass and vitroceramic hobs. For the latter, in particular, a strong push has also come from the fact that they are appliances in which it is possible to apply the mixed gas-induction technology, a characteristic which is creating more and more interest by our customers. It is enough to think that in 2017 mixed hobs were the products that had the highest percentage growth in our productions. Furthermore, we are experimenting new materials starting from the application of nanotechnologies to obtain a greater ease of cleaning and resistance to gas without having changes in color. For example, we have found solutions to prevent yellowing of stainless steel, thus maintaining the brilliance of the hob over time. In terms of stylistic choices, we focus on clean and minimalist lines, but also with a focus on the style of professional products. We are trying to understand what the new trends will be and I think Eurocucina will be an important opportunity to capture the new furniture trends, which are very significant because the appliance has to be integrated into the kitchen environment.»
The elegant Round aesthetic distinguishes the Zepa hob of the Star Line. It is made with high temperature resistant vitroceramic and has customized front knobs. The top has an 8KW double-crown Wok burner with independent adjustment.
The birth of a cooking product
«The product research comes from the study of the culinary and food habits of the end user - they explain from Zepa -. This is a first step to create successful products that are appreciated in the markets where they compete.» Just to learn about the habits of food in different parts of the world, the company launches Zepa Food Trip, a Web/Social series with a "young" format that will start from Cuba and then reaches South America and Central America, moving finally to China and other regions of Asia.

If some companies of Made-in-Italy choose for the minimalist style, others focus more on the revisiting of a more classic style, which sees the metals as protagonists.

Giulio Contini, Export Director of Lofra
«Especially with regard to cooking, Made-in-Italy has a special meaning because everyone knows that Italian cuisine is among the best in the world and who comes to Italy retains a particular memory of our artistic and food heritage: we focus a lot on these historical-cultural factors to say that we are proudly Italian. Design for us is an expression of Italian style and of all the beauty that is present in our country»
«The materials we use the most – Giulio Contini of Lofra says – are basically steel, brass and aluminum, because, producing home appliances for cooking, we need solutions very resisting to heat. These materials can be colored or enamelled to obtain different finishes. As for the aesthetics, we have chosen to distinguish ourselves by proposing a style that we call Dolcevita and that reminds the design of the stoves of the past. The products of this line include several chromatic variants, such as Lavender which has found great appreciation on foreign markets. With the cookers of the Curva line we propose a more modern style: it is a design characterized by rounded shapes that we create exclusively because we have registered it. Finally, another area in which we are operating is to offer our customers an ever-increasing possibility of personalization in order to satisfy even special needs.»
In the Dolcevita cooker by Lofra, traditional style is combined with the best technologies. In the picture, the model with 2 main ovens (70 liters each) and a 40 liters oven
Being able to rely on the presence of several industrial businesses operating within a short distance from each other is certainly a plus for the companies of Made-in-Italy that find fertile ground for experimentation and to be inspired by different skills.
Marco Guerzoni, Product Manager at Glem Gas
As in the case of Glem Gas, whose products are made not only with stainless steel, but also using crystal, cast iron, aluminum alloys, until arriving in some premium appliances to the ceramic or carbon fiber film. Marco Guerzoni, Product Manager at Glem Gas, explains that «the proximity to cutting-edge motoring realities (Pagani Automobili is located right in front of us) certainly stimulates experimentation towards solutions in vogue in sectors that for obvious reasons are pioneering in this. Our Magnifica carbon look model or the Origine hob are a concrete example of our commitment in this direction. At a stylistic level, then, the Glem Gas cooking product must be part of the kitchen environment. The minimal style does not belong to us, as it simply does not suit us. So we prefer to start from more traditional styles and concepts and revisit them in the contemporary context, maintaining a strong product identity that can be combined with the frequent current need for mergers of style in the home environment. The Matrix line is a clear expression of this concept for us.»
Functionality and refinement blend in the Matrix cooker by Glem Gas. The ventilated gas multifunction oven is equipped with internal Titanium enamel that prevents dirt from adhering
Glem Gas received an honorable mention at the Compasso d’Oro for its Origine hob and the Good Design Award 2015 for the Matrix bi-energy cooker.
The use of high quality materials and the great variety in processing and finishes distinguish the Italian product: kitchen is one of the areas where it is more visible the skill of the manufacturer in taking a valuable material and shaping it to realize extremely sophisticated solutions.
Carlo Illotti, Research & Development Manager at Ilve
«Italian design is one of the excellences that make us famous in the world: from Arabian countries to Russia, to China, design kitchens are only Italian kitchens. They are an expression of our inexhaustible imagination, a unique cultural support in the world and a very high technological know-how»
«We use all noble materials such as stainless steel, brass and aluminum – explains Carlo Illotti of Ilve , a company that recently won the Good Design Award for the Panoramagic cooker -. Finally, we have also introduced nanotechnology coatings. As regards aesthetics, in furnishing kitchens and partly in household appliances, the theme of color and finishes see us particularly sensitive: we propose our clients different interpretations of steel, both natural and with material finishes. Our offer includes Scotch Brite, one of the most widespread finishes, followed by Nuvolato which is characterized by a surface made of light and dark, and Iron, a perfect example of superficial processing of steel that minimizes the presence of the unaesthetic fingerprints. In terms of color, we offer 5 trendy metals, steel paintings with great value craftsmanship and aesthetic result. Bronzed Gold, Delabrè Gold, Venice Bronze, Pewter and Raw Copper represent areas of taste dedicated to a public that, while appreciating the communicative power of steel, desires trendy representations that only these nuances can transmit. Our steels, however, also live in flat-colored finishes that enhance and strongly characterize the products, making them unique and distinctive; among the 6 available finishes certainly the Bianco Antico (ancient white), the very modern Matt Grafite and the timeless Rosso Borgogna (Borgogna Red) stand out. In addition, the Ilve range includes 5 clay finishes, the result of a research that has favored material yield, tactile sensation and durability: totally natural, spread by hand and, therefore, real interpretations, unique and original, the clays are tested to resist even to the aggression of oils and acids. In addition, they are indifferent to high temperatures and easily washable with water and detergent.»
Among the proposals that Ilve presents at Eurocucina there is Panoramagic, a modern reinterpretation of a project of the ’70s by Eugenio Illotti
Finally, in addition to the variety of the proposals, another strength of the Made-in-Italy companies is the ability to create flexible and customizable products, with a sartorial skill that allows to find the right solution for every need. This is the direction followed by of Alpes Inox, a company that has been distinguishing itself for 64 years for its skill in shaping steel and which won the 18th Compasso d’Oro for its flip-up hobs.
Bruno Moretto (left) and Aldo Moretto, respectively President and Managing Director of Alpes Inox.
«For us design concretizes in a working method that is a continuous experimentation concerning the functionality of the components, the safety in daily use of the products, ergonomics, the quality of materials, the flexibility of the solutions and the durability over time. Often the shape derives from the study of the gestures of the end user: eliminating a corner, for example, means reducing the risk of impact and simplifying the cleaning operations. However, in order to do this, it is necessary a great expertise in working with the material»
Aldo Moretto explains us: «Among the proposals that we will present this year at the Milan Salone del Mobile, there will be also the Liberi in Cucina line. This is a project in which the kitchen is deconstructed and composed of modules (width from 70 to 280 cm) that contain the various functional equipment (washing, cooking, food preparation, etc.). In practice, we have transformed the built-in elements into free-standing ones that the user can align or juxtapose at will to create the various wall or island compositions. In this way, everyone can find the solution that best suits his own needs and, if these changes over time, even the kitchen can vary because it is structured in blocks, thus becoming a very personal environment.» «Our products – Aldo Moretto adds – are all made of stainless steel and are conceived to last for a long time: this is why they are designed almost with a non-design, with a style that must not go out of fashion. The quality of our kitchens is guaranteed by a type of processing that is still crafted in many ways: in the company steel arrives in sheet and all the processing is done internally: we also manufactured the main components such as burners, flame spreader and grids. In this we are an atypical company, but it is precisely the fact of doing everything inside our organization that allows us to control the quality. In order to manage the process, in some cases we also had to invent the production technology.»
: Flip-up hobs by Alpes Inox, designed by the designer Nico Moretto, founder of the company, can be placed in a vertical position when not in use, thus obtaining more space on the worktop
Frame by Best is a hood with an aesthetics similar to a painting, with clean and refined lines. It is equipped with Capacitive Touch controls, Led lighting and double suction to improve the fumes capture.
Bompani Belle Époque has a sophisticated design with a cream-colored matte enamel finish. The kitchen is embellished with chrome handles and knobs, sturdy cast iron grids, steel hob with 5 gas burners and a 105 liters oven.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuW71Sy4h 2I

L'articolo The value of the Italian way of life sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.

Home Appliances World Geometric lines for enhancing a modern kitchen environment: this is Thea by Faber, available with matt white and matt dark gray finishes and characterized by a frame in oak wood or stainless steel
Bringing Made-in-Italy worldwide https://www.homeappliancesworld.com/2018/03/26/bringing-made-in-italy-worldwide/ Mon, 26 Mar 2018 05:05:02 +0000 http://www.homeappliancesworld.com/?p=9295
Internationalization strategies followed by Italian companies are different, as it is also proved by recent acquisitions and partnerships. The common denominator is the recognized value of Made-in- Italy, expression of quality, design and culture by Elena Corti There is vitality among the companies of Made-in-Italy that bring abroad the ‘Italianess’ values, increasingly appreciated by consumers […]

L'articolo Bringing Made-in-Italy worldwide sembra essere il primo su Home Appliances World.


Internationalization strategies followed by Italian companies are different, as it is also proved by recent acquisitions and partnerships. The common denominator is the recognized value of Made-in- Italy, expression of quality, design and culture

Candy Group and Meiling have signed a strategic partnership agreement

by Elena Corti

There is vitality among the companies of Made-in-Italy that bring abroad the ‘Italianess’ values, increasingly appreciated by consumers around the world. Current trends and internationalization strategies are different: from acquisitions by foreign groups to partnerships with foreign companies, to those who mainly focus on enhancing the skills available on the Italian territory to stand out in international markets. In any case, Made-in-Italy remains a distinctive mark, symbol of the lifestyle and culture of the Peninsula: let us see the latest news and the different strategies followed by companies.

The international relaunching of Nardi

Marco Nardi, general manager of Nardi Electronis Italy (left), and Abderrahmane Benhamadi, president of Condor Electronics, during the press conference of IFA in Berlin, during which the Group’s growth strategies and the re-launch of the Nardi brand have been presented
Nardi writes a new chapter of his company history starting from the acquisition by Condor Electronics. The Algerian Group has chosen the Italian brand, operating for sixty years in the household appliances sector, to complete its internationalization strategy, aiming at relaunching a brand that for over half a century has been inspired by the values of the Italian Feeling Philosophy, as says Marco Nardi, general manager of Nardi Electronis Italia. «The fact that Nardi is an Italian company – Marco Nardi states – represents a plus for Condor for the values connected to Made-in-Italy, appreciated in many international markets.»
The FRX 460 B ventilated electric oven by Nardi has 6 functions, the end-cooking programmer, the XL Easy to Clean muffle and the 3-glazed door. Moreover, it is in A class and has a tangential cooling fan
Moreover, Nardi is active in more than 80 countries (including Italy, Russia, Middle East, Australia and Latin America) and has an important international distribution network that will open new horizons for Condor Electronics, allowing it to conquer new markets. Condor is the main company of the Benhamadi Group and is specialized in the production and marketing of electronic products with a turnover that in 2016 reached 850 million dollars. «The fact that we have the third Algerian industrial group behind us – Marco Nardi explains – will immediately provide Nardi with a significant availability in terms of investment capacity and this will result in the development of new solutions and new products, as well as a greater capacity of investment also on the communication side». The Italian company, in turn, makes available for Condor its expertise in the field of large domestic appliances, both in terms of design and as regards the commercial and marketing field thanks to multiple contacts and relationships with a consolidated network of suppliers.
But how is the relaunching of the Nardi brand actually being implemented? «At this initial stage – Marco Nardi affirms – we are focusing on some strategic areas for us: a dozen markets including the Italian one, but also Eastern Europe (including Russia), the Gulf countries, some areas of the Western Europe like England, the Iberian Peninsula and France, and the North African markets. We have defined a three-year plan, agreed with the Group, widening the original Nardi catalog thanks to the integration with the Condor product range. However we will maintain our specialization in the built-in.»

Candy: «this is why we have chosen Meiling»

Gianpiero Morbello, Head of Brand Strategy and Identity of Candy Group
It has passed about a year since the announcement of the strategic collaboration agreement between Candy Group and Hefei Meiling, a company listed on the Shenzen Stock Exchange and controlled by Sichuan Changhong Electric, an important Chinese group operating in the consumer electronics segment. The partnership includes three different agreements: one of a commercial kind and two more typically industrial. The first concerns the birth of Meiling Candy (China) Washing Machine Limited Company, a joint-venture between Candy and Meiling for the marketing of washing machines of the two brands on the Chinese market.
Candy Watch&Touch offers the user pre-loaded video-recipes broadcast on the oven door, allowing to follow live all the phases of a dish preparation
The second agreement between the joint-venture Meiling Candy and Jinling (a Chinese factory owned by Candy Group) concerns the supply of front loading washing machines to the JV by Jinling. Candy Group purchased the Chinese plant in 2006 with the aim of supporting the production of FAT Top Loader washing machines (top loading models with vertical axis, mainly used in Asia and the Middle East) and to consolidate a global presence in the front loading washing machine. The latter, which are the main standard in Europe, are experiencing a rapid growth also in China: this is a market with a considerable potential for development, considering that, according to estimates, 33 million washing machines were sold in 2016 , of which 9.6 million were frontal loading models. «The three-year plan that we have defined since 2017 – explains Gianpiero Morbello, Head of Brand Strategy and Identity of Candy Group – aims to sell 4 million units in the considered 3 years and we are currently quite in line with these objectives. The joint-venture is working very well and we are happy of the first results.»
The third part of the cooperation agreement concerns the refrigeration segment: in detail, Meiling becomes a strategic partner of the Candy Group for the production of refrigerators and freezers.
«Meiling – Morbello explains – is very advanced in the Cooling, it has established factories, has an important presence on the Chinese market and an advanced research and development activity. Furthermore, it is also a producer of engines for refrigerators and therefore has significant assets. This agreement allows Candy Group to strengthen its position in the refrigeration segment, which represents a significant development area within the Group’s expansion strategy in the kitchen appliances market. We have chosen Meiling because it is a complementary partner for us: it is a very solid company in the Cooling area and has an important distribution presence in China. In turn, the Candy Group offers to Meiling extensive expertise in the washing machine sector, at a time when there are great opportunities for growth for these products.»
At the level of foreign markets, Candy Group has a significant presence in England, followed by France and Italy. «We are also achieving positive results in Russia and in the markets of Eastern Europe, such as Poland and the Czech Republic – Morbello affirms. The latter are relatively small markets, if taken individually, but on the whole they offer interesting prospects. Finally, another area in which we are trying to expand is Spain.»
Regarding the Candy brand in particular, one of the main drivers for the success of the brand abroad is its Italianess, intended as creativity and culture. «Italy is known in the world for its design and good cooking – Morbello comments -. And Italianess is one of the differentiating elements of Candy together with the ability to be smart, conceived as its skill in creating products that meet the specific needs of consumers: this is what we call Italian touch. In our stand at Eurocucina we will make breathe the Italian spirit to those who will enter the Candy area.»

Bertazzoni in partnership with El Araby

Paolo Bertazzoni, CEO of Bertazzoni
Thanks to the partnership with El Araby, an Egyptian manufacturer of home appliances since 1964, Bertazzoni aims to strengthen its presence at an international level by completing its range with entry level products. In detail, the partnership includes the El Araby’s commitment to support the construction and implementation of completely new plants and production lines in Egypt. Bertazzoni, in turn, will provide its technological know-how and design knowledge. «We are very satisfied that the agreement with our Egyptian partner has been successfully concluded – said Paolo Bertazzoni, CEO of Bertazzoni -: this is an important strategic operation that allows us to consolidate the company’s growth at global level and open up to new markets with conviction, thanks to the diversification of the offer». In conjunction to this operation, the Italian company, specialized in the production of cooking appliances, is going on following the investment plan to strengthen the presence of the brand in the high-end appliances sector. «We are focused more than ever on the strengthening of Bertazzoni appliances addressed to the high-end market, which continue and will continue to represent the focus of our business – Paolo Bertazzoni added -. At the same time we will support, thanks to this partnership, the business development with a long-term plan that will allow us to compete also in the low-end market.»
The products deriving from the new partnership will be marketed under the La Germania brand starting from the first months of 2020 and will be mainly addressed to the Middle Eastern markets. In addition, the quality of the appliance will be guaranteed by the fact that 50% of the components will be of Italian production.

The Zepa experience within the Teka Group

The Zepa hob of the Blend Line combines gas and induction technology. It features touch controls with 9 power levels, residual heat indicators, customized front knobs and cast iron grids. In addition, it is built with high temperature resistant vitroceramic
Since 2014, Zepa, a company based in Veneto, is part of the Teka Group, a multinational organization and therefore present globally. The know-how and the high skills of Zepa have meant that the Italian company became the centre of competence for the development of the Group’s gas hobs.
Luciano Antonini, managing director of Zepa
«This means – explains Luciano Antonini, managing director of Zepa – that, in addition to production activities, at our headquarters we also manage the design of new products. In practice, we coordinate from Italy the design of gas appliances, which can then be manufactured also in the Group’s operational offices in Turkey and Mexico, according to a Lean logic aimed to design platform products that meet the requirements of the various markets in which the Group is present.» A particular competence is recognized to Zepa not only within the company but also linked to the network of partners with which the company collaborates. «We are able to manage the innovation of products, materials and processes – Antonini continues -. Surely the geographical area in which Zepa operates (the north-east of Italy) is crucial to be able to rely on a network of skills, because it is among the most advanced in Europe in terms of technology. Consider, for example, the presence of important centres such as the Pordenone Technology Centre or the Padua MaTech, which is specialized in the research on materials. In addition, we can rely on partners who support us from the human resources training point of view and on companies that support us in the development of particular projects or parts of projects such as the prototyping of aesthetic parts.» If, on the one hand, the background of knowledge of Zepa represents an added value for Teka Group, on the other belonging to an international group is a relevant factor for the Italian company.
The Teka iKNOB hob is equipped with a removable magnetic knob that allows to obtain a high level of precision in the regulation of the heat and facilitates the cleaning of the product. The model also presents several innovative features such as Stop & Go, Power Plus and keeping food warm
« Being part of a solid reality like Teka with over 90 years of history – Antonini explains – helps us to establish trust-based medium-long term collaborations with our customers. We are able to create lasting relationships because our customers recognize the solidity of the company organization, the technological skills and the ability to create better and better products. The principle that is on the basis of our way of operating as a Group is that of Leading Transformation, that is to be leaders in the transformation and not simple followers.»

Made-in-Italy that connects mind, heart and arms
In the history of Fulgor Milano, a red thread unites Italy and Japan, two geographically distant countries but not without affinity, as demonstrated by the experience of Gianni Meneghetti, general manager of Fulgor Milano. «I have always had a particular interest in Japanese culture since I was a child and I began to cultivate my passion for Karate - Meneghetti tells -. My love for Japan has always remained with me and led me to take important decisions for the company history of Fulgor Milano. In 2003 I realized that the company was at a turning point: we were growing and, for this reason, it was time to change to find more suitable solutions to the growth we were experiencing. So I decided to go to Japan because I had heard about the so-called "lean production", which is the business development method that Toyota was adopting successfully. I made a first trip to Japan that lasted about ten days, then I came back a second time and stayed three months working in Lexus, Toyota's premium brand. I wanted to understand the essence of this new method and understand if it was possible to transfer it to a context like the Italian one. I left thinking that the Toyota method was based primarily on the use of extremely advanced machinery, but I was surprised to see that the focus of this system was to base the company development on the people growth. So I decided to make this philosophy my own, putting the human resource at the centre of the company's activity. A resource that no longer gave only "arms", but that could enhance all its potential: ideas (the mind), passion (the heart) and consequently also practical skills (the arms).»
Meneghetti also stresses that, in order to really enhance the human resources value, considering them as an opportunity and not just a cost, it is essential to make them grow with continuous training. «This is essential - the manager explains - if a company wants to stay in Italy to produce with the mission of bringing abroad the richness of Made-in-Italy: we aim to realize strong international products, but that express all the beauty and the uniqueness of Italian culture.»
Gianni Meneghetti, general manager of Meneghetti Fulgor Milano.
Fulgor Milano appliances aim to express the link between quality products, good cuisine and design, all typical aspects of Made-in-Italy

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Home Appliances World Candy Group and Meiling have signed a strategic partnership agreement